Walmart Newmarket Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Walmart Newmarket is +1-905-853-8811, +1-905-853-6090 .
Walmart Newmarket is store location of Walmart in the town of Newmarket, Ontario. Walmart Newmarket works under the Canadian division of Walmart named as Walmart Canada Corp. Walmart is an American multinational retail company that run discount stores in many countries of the world, which sell a wide variety of products. Walmart Canada is one of the major employers in the country providing employment to over 90,000 individuals.

Walmart Canada Inception

Walmart's Canadian division, i.e. Walmart Canada Corp. was launched in the year 1994, when Walmart Stores Inc. took over the operations of 122 outlets of another company named as Woolco. Walmart Canada Corporation is a wholly owned company of the Walmart International Incorporation. Walmart Canada offers a wide array of products in their stores that ranges from clothing such as branded apparel, home furnishing goods, home decoration products, consumer electronics, groceries, pharmacies, garden equipments, dry grocery items, cosmetic and beauty products, furniture, fitness equipments, barbecues, patio sets, gift items, toys, Mobile phones, electronic gadgets, etc.

The outlets of Walmart Canada are divided into different categories such as discount stores, hypermarkets, super centers and supermarkets, superstores, pharmacies, environment demonstration stores and others. The above listed categories are pioneered in offering a particular range of products in worldwide regions including Canada. Walmart had 382 outlets in Canada according to a report published on 31st of March 2014. Walmart Canada compete with companies like Sobeys, Thrifty Foods, Safeway, Save-On-Foods, Country Grocer, Loblaws, Real Canadian Superstore, Metro, Fairway Markets in the supermarket chain business.

Walmart Canada Head Office:

1940 Argentia Road, Mississauga, ON L5N 1P9, Canada
The above is the address of head office of Walmart's Canadian division Walmart Canada Corp.

Walmart Newmarket Location:

17940, Yonge Street, Newmarket, ON-L3Y8S4, Ontario, Canada
Walmart Newmarket address is listed above that can be visited for buying daily need products.

Walmart Newmarket Phone Number:

Walmart's Newmarket location can be contacted through phone by dialing the above listed phone number.

Walmart Canada Website:
More information about Walmart Canadian is available at its official website.

Walmart Newmarket Address

The address of Walmart Newmarket is 17940, Yonge Street, Newmarket, ON-L3Y8S4, Ontario, Canada.

Walmart Newmarket Website

The Website of Walmart Newmarket is

Walmart Newmarket Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Walmart Newmarket is +1-905-853-8811, +1-905-853-6090 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Walmart Newmarket Service Center and Walmart Newmarket customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Walmart Newmarket customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Walmart Newmarket. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Walmart Newmarket will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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