LG Washing Machine Noida Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of LG Washing Machine Noida is 1800 180 9999 .
LG is a South Korean Company which is crowned with largest growing home appliances company. The head office of Lg is located in Seoul, South Korea. The company relies on its trained and experienced manpower. LG is one of the largest manufacturing companies that manufacture electronic products, chemicals and Telecom products. LG Electronics, LG Display, LG Telecom, LG Life Sciences, LG Solar Energy are subsidiaries of the LG Corporation. The company has established its service cum repair center in Noida, India.

Contact Address of LG Washing Machine Noida

In order to get connected with the office of LG Washing Machine Noida, users can use the below offered contacts as:
LG Soft India Private Limited,
Plot no. 51,
Surajpur Kasna Road,
Greater Noida, India.
Phone : 1800 180 9999
Email : lgsi-lgmobile@lge.com
Web: http://www.lgsoftindia.com/

Headquarter of LG Washing Machine Noida

The main head office of LG Washing Machine Noida is headquartered at the below offered contacts:
LG Twin Tower 128,
Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul,
Tel: +82 (0)2 3777 1114

Media Contacts of LG Washing Machine Noida

For the details of the media department of LG Washing Machine Noida, press members can contact the below offered contacts as:
LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 51, Surajpur - Kasna Road
Udyog Vihar, Greater Noida, U.P. India (201306)
Ms. Neeta Linz
E-mail: neeta.linz@lge.com

Career Link Page of LG Washing Machine Noida

The current employees are rendered a good salary and other redeeming bonuses on the occasional festives. LG Washing Machine Noida offers a number of vacancies in order to promote their business and also to control unemployment within India. The interested persons can use the below offered career link page as:

LG Washing Machine Noida Address

The address of LG Washing Machine Noida is Plot no. 51, Surajpur Kasna Road, Greater Noida, India.

LG Washing Machine Noida Website

The Website of LG Washing Machine Noida is www.lg.com.

LG Washing Machine Noida Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of LG Washing Machine Noida is 1800 180 9999 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of LG Washing Machine Noida Service Center and LG Washing Machine Noida customer care number is given below. The helpline of LG Washing Machine Noida customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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LG Washing Machine Noida Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Babita Pandey CallsJun 17, 2015

Ms. Babita Pandey On Phone To LG Washing Machine Noida Service
My LG fully automatic washing machine is not running properly so I want service to my machine. Address- sec 93 silver city Noida. Mobile number-8860950073.

Customer care male
Mr. Dinesh Rathore CallsDec 04, 2014

Mr. Dinesh Rathore On Phone To LG Washing Machine Noida Service
I want to service my LG washing machine. Address: F-28, Delta-1, Greater Noida.
Dinesh Rathore.

Customer care male
Mr. sk singhal CallsAug 17, 2013

Mr. sk singhal On Phone To LG Washing Machine Noida Service
LG washing machine fully automatic top loading is not working properly .

MOB NO 9910009657

Customer care user complaints