Nokia Vadodara Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Nokia Vadodara is +91 (124) 4833000 .
Nokia is an international telecommunications brand marketed and promoted by the Nokia Corporation. The company manufactures, designs and sells various types of communications and information technology products. It primarily gives following services and solutions such as Internet services, media services, messaging services, applications, games, music, digital map information and navigation services, software solutions and many more. Apart from this, Nokia is also one of the largest manufacturers of Mobile communication devices in the world. Nokia was originally unfolded in the year of 1871. The company was formed by the efforts of Leo Mechelin and Fredrik Idestam in 1865. Currently, Nokia Corporation is based with global headquarters in Espoo, Uusimaa, Finland.

In the rest of world, Nokia functions through various subsidiaries and associate companies. The brand is present in more than 150 countries worldwide. In the year 1995, it arrived in India as Nokia India Private Limited, a wholly owned assistant company of Nokia Corporation. The company is committed to provide a whole range of mobile phones and telecommunication network devices in Indian market. It provides mobile phones based on GSM, CDMA, EDGE and WCDMA platforms, and sells under the brand name of Nokia.

Nokia Vadodara Address

The address of Nokia Vadodara is No:101, A-Square, Opposite Das Pendawala, Near Govardhen Nath Haveli Temple, BPC Road 390007, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

Nokia Vadodara Website

The Website of Nokia Vadodara is

Nokia Vadodara Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Nokia Vadodara is +91 (124) 4833000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Nokia Vadodara Service Center and Nokia Vadodara customer care number is given below. The helpline of Nokia Vadodara customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Nokia Vadodara Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Nokia Vadodara Customer Service Care Phone Number 254978
Mr. Imanuel Christi CallsFeb 18, 2016

Mr. Imanuel Christi On Phone To Nokia Vadodara Service
I have purchased Nokia 215 two days back. I tried place different ringtone for each contact, but i am not getting. So please help me to custom ringtone for each contact.

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