Mr. Umesh Singh On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
I have paid 400 rupees for reinstall TATA sky, but now is not coming signal, my customer ID number 1086286703, when person came my home he use onle3 mtr wire and say that your diduct only 350 rupees, but deduct from my account 400 rupees he told a lie, we are very puzzle what do nobody come and solve problem my dtc.
Mr. Sourabh Gupta On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
Tata sky no btr service provider on other cmpny. My cmplt is my box is not work and also connected on is number But all the person are not infrm me to right information. Please contacte my number 7310581106 plz.
Mr. Arun Kumar Gupta On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
Sir, My Tata Sky iD is 1018961225. I have one coonection with two display. My one TV connection is not working properly from three month. Your TATA sky mecenic sanjay have charged me his fees four times till now, but it is not quiet ok. What shoud i do. My mobile number is 9410439640.
Mr. Mandeep Singh On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
this is inform you that i am very frustrated with your services and and your high rates deduction your help line number Is not working so contact me on 8006365368 (rmn) and solve my problems.
Mr. Brijesh Kumar On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
I called the TATA sky customer care number 18604256633 and found the above said answer nobody is responding my problem. My customer ID:-1135078861.
Mr. Bhuwanesh Paliwal On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
This number does not exist. I called the tata sky customer care number-1860 425 6633 and found the above said answerNOBODY IS RESPONDING MY PROBLEM. MY CUSTMER I/D 1098064155.
Mr. Bhuwanesh Paliwal On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
There is no signal from morning today and showing signal lock. I have already complaint tame in evening, but there is no response till11-30pmMycus/id-1098064155, reg/mob-9456433003, and this mobile number is 9927565613 hoping for the responce.
Mr. Ritu Raj Singh On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
I want to disconnect my TATA sky connection.
Mr. Ritu Raj Singh On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
My set top box is not working last ten days i tried to contact your costumer care, but not solve my problem. So may i request you please change my set top box or disconnect my TATA SKY connection. Thanks.
Mr. R,n. Chaturvedi On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
Dear sir My ID number 1029110192. I charged our Tata sky on dated 6/7/15 and contact over phone to customer care. They informed that your setup box will be replaced to new setup box within 48 hours. But it is very shameful, That my setup box does not change(5days delay) Kindly solve the problum as early as possible an informe. Regards R. N. CHATURVEDI V. P. O. BATESHWAR, TEHSILBAGH DISTT. AGRAMO. NO. 9012614848/9319055783.
Mr. Manjunath Pai On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
All channels are not coming properly. Very few channels are working.
Mr. Pankaj On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
My setup box is not receiving signal. Please help me.
Mr. Vinamra Sharma On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
My Tata Sky subscription ID is 1019368537. The TV screen is frequently showing no signal and picture is also distrusted frequently. Please look into the matter and arrange to solve the problem. Thanking you.
Ms. Jyoti Saxena On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
not receiving signals since today morning
Mr. Satbir Singh Kohli On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
Hi Team, There is some Issue in TATA SKY since 21/10/2014. The connection is getting lost regularly. Can you please get this rectified as soon as possible. Telephone number is 09808769798.
sachin lahoti On Phone To Tata Sky Agra Service
My ID 1049899014 and i am sift from bhubaneshwar to agra so please set my TATA sky
my current Address is -
CONTECT. number 07500766111