Mr. Kulwant On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
I cannot open my ID Gurukirpa28@yahoo.
Mr. Vinay Kumar On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Pls continue this mail ID vinaykumar14031968@yahoo.
Mr. Narayan Majumder On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Dear sir,
I have a domain with you. Tninfotech. You stopped my services for Payment. I am trying to pay, but not able to pay. My business is suffering for the same. There is no contract no also that i can take telephonic help. Please call me back at 9810782194
Mr. Shiv Kumar On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
I Shiv Kumar ( that's id. By mistake our accounts have required account key by text message phone that's very critical to every time. So kindly request to you please active my ID normally password and i also use through phone. Kindly Solved my problem urgently.
Mr. Shiv Kumar On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Mr. Brijesh On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
My name is Brijesh , and i am using yahoo ID ie continentalinstruments@yahoo. Co. In, I have faceing some problem in my yahoo ID from yesterday, The problem is that. Some unathuraised msssage sended from my ID to my contect lisit. The massage is(Our bank has transferred payment to your company banking details today. Atteched is TT copy for your conformation and necessary actions.)Please let me know, What is the happeing in my mail.
Mr. Jagdish Paharia On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
I am not able to see my inbox mails because the inbox showing empty. Please restore the same as soon as possible. Regards
Jagdish Paharia and co
Mr. Sandeep Paswan On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
(you have notice some unusual account activity, for your safety account, choose a method below to verify that it's really you signing in to this account.)
please solve my problem
this is my email account,
mobile number 9350064262
Mr. Sandeep Paswan On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
(you have notice some unusual account activity, for your safety account, choose a method below to verify that it's really you signing in to this account.)
please solve my problem
this is my email account,
mobile number 9350064262.
Mr. Sandeep Paswan On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
This is massage show when is yahoo account opening. (you have notice some unusual account activity, for your safety account, choose a method below to verify that it's really you signing in to this account.)
please solve my problem
this is my email account,
mobile number 9350064262.
Mr. Sandeep Paswan On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Yahoo mail is not responding, you have some notice unsual account activity, this is the massage show when is open my account. Please solved my problem
this is my account Mob No. 9350064262.
Mr. Mehak On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Hey my account is lockd due to wrong passwords being entered by me several times the message said its locked for 24 hours. Can you please tell me is it locked for short time or permantely. Please reapond as the email ID is very important
Please thank youu
I am mentioning my alternative email ID please contact me team i really need help .
Mr. Rajeev On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are not getting mails in our corporate ID (psrbiochem. In) from 3rd of June. Kindly resolve this issue at earliest. We found message " that NO MX OR A records for psrbiochem. In. ". Regards
Rajeev .
Mr. Shelmi Sankhil true Name On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Hi at Yahoo,
I am not able to log onto my yahoo account despite the correct password. To complicate, my recovery email address at hotmail has been deleted years ago. How can i access my yahoo account under the given circumstance? Please help. Thanks.
Mr. Manoj Rana On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
I can not access the yahoo mail Id Please help me. We has already purchase the yahoo domain. Domain name is My number is is. 08816900926.
Mr. Manmeet Singh Anand On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
SIR, my e-mail ID may please be cancelled with immediate effect as unfortunately we do not have the correct password. This is most urgent and important please. Manmeet Singh Anand , C-21 SOUTH EXTENSION PART-2, NEW DELHI- 110049. MOBILE NO. 9811040284, NEW NUMBER: 9953170284.
Ms. NEERAJ On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Forget my password my mail ID
Dear Madam / sir. Dear madam I forget my password my mail ID k_Neeraj
my old password neeru082
please urgent reply.
Mr. Manish Giri On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
i forget my password and i also loss my that contact number 9560981331 and so please contact my new number 9810263447 for helping to gen ratting new password.
Mr. Anil Pratap Rai On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Can't access my email tigeranilrai@yahoo. Had sent mail to customer care, but got no response. Request an Urgent resolution to the problem Am available on 919958991799 or 9910932249 or land line 01125698909.
Ms. Shubhra Mathur On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Customer care numbers are incorrect. My email ID is not operational and I can not resent my password as d security question needs to be changed.
Mr. Kulvinder Singh On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Hello, i am Kulvinder Singh my yahoo mail ID is lovey. Some one hack my yahoo ID my old mobile number is dead, my new mobile number is 8800660383my alternate email ID is lovey., but someone change my alternate email id. I want to attached my yahoo account, so please help me.
Mr. Ghulam Hassan Khanday On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
I Gulam Hassan Khanday, submit that my e-mail id. No. Ghhassan2002@yahoo. Co. In does not open, on contacting customer care, when I click on "send Code", they mention code sent on my mobile number given in e-mail account. But i am not getting the said code on my mobile number, despite I tried a repeatedly on a number of times. Pl help.
Mr. Shabbir On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Sir/Medam I want to reset my yahoo e-mail account which is Shabbir . I forgot password of this mail so far. After changing previous password to new complicative password i forgot the password. And i also forgot security question and answer. I used this account so long time and i need of it too. So please help me to get into my yahoo email account. As soon as reply will be highly appreciated. My phone number Is 7210569962.
Mr. Gautam Chatterjee On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
I am Gautam Chatterjee r/o 206/III Kirti Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-I Extension, New Delhi - 110091. For the last three hours I am unable to access my e mail account gautamchatterjee_pb@yahoo. Every time I try to log in the message on the screen says that the web page is not available. This is a serious problem. My Mobile No. Is 9810781407.
Ms. Shelly On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Dear Sir/Mam, I have an official ID on yahoo. In my inbox i received may mails from my customers for my accounts dept, sales dept., service dept., admin dept etc. But every employee consumes his time on every mail. I need to get different colours of flag / star for particular dept. Mail. So that particular dept. Will see their mail only. Please do the needful as soon as possible. Thanks, Shelly.
Mr. Yash Jaipuria On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Dear Yahoo, My Name Yash Jaipuria , I have website Libraltraders.comwe'r facing some problem with yahoo and whenever we send any email with any domain or email ids, to any bodies or there is mention libraltraders.comits bounce back and failed to delivered. Because yahoo policy. We kindly request you to please release domain for corresponding. I ready to pay for its if its possible. Should you any clarification feel free to call. RegardsYash Jaipuria 91 9811251098India.
Mr. Deepak Navani On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
I have received a message in my mailbox for System Error Code YDA1186. The message has a link to confirm "re-activation" of my mail account. In absence of taking action, my Yahoo mail account would be permanently deleted. Please confirm that this is not a "Phishing mail" and I really need to re-activate my account.
Mr. Firoz Alam On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
I have lost my all document like my collage admit card also so many important file has been lost from yahoo mail which i was saved in mail i do not know how it happened so please my all file give and document also otherwise i loose my trust from yahoo also i leave and deactivate account forever.
Mr. CA Hemant Khatri On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
I am not been able to access my account. When i am signing in my account, sign in box appears again. I have already changed my password, but still i am unable to login in my account. So please solve this issue as soon as possible.
Mr. M.ravindran On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Dear Sir/MamI am not able to access my yahoo accountMail Id- mravindran55@yahoo.comIt is not accepting the password. As i have kept important data in my mail. Please resolve the same as the earliest. CONTACT No. - 9958699123.
Mr. Abhinav Thapa On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Hello, my name is Abhinav Thapa actually am unable to open my yahoo ID actually i forgot my password and the main problem is that whenever i reset my password then it forwards to my registered mobile number which is 9654053870 and this number is not using by me than how can i open my yahoo account please help me ASAP.
Ms. Priyanka On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
When i want to account will be created at Yahoo then I get a error message which are given below in screen shoot. I have try to may times to register account in yahoo, but always face a same error MSG is which are showing in resister at yahooMSG:-Please revise this entry because it is not appropriateso, please resolve my problem as soon as possible, .
Mr. Utkarsh Pratap Singh On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Not able to access my yahoo account, Because someone has changed my password. But i do not remembered my alternate email ID and security answers even security confirmation mobile number 9805083938 has been changed now, So, kindly tell me how i can access my account again.
Mr. Vaibhav Mittal On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
I am not able to see any of my email of more than last three months in any folder(inbox and sent). Can you please check ASAP as there are lots of important emails i have. Account:
Ms. Promila On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Despite confirmation of the change in the password from yahoo i am still unable to access both my ids promila_ahuja13@yahoo. Com and dayanandaryasamaj@yahoo. Com Please help.
Mr. Shailesh Mathur On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
I am having a serious problem with my yahoo id. Its not working from last one month and due to which I cant access my Facebook account as it is connected with my yahoo id. My yahoo ID Currently my mail ID is Please help me.
priyanka On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
when i want to open my yahoo ID ,site is asking this information "Where did i spend my honeymoon ? but my problem is i have forgotten my answer .....pls help in rectifying my problem it would be highly appreciated.
Ms. Priyanka On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
when i want to open my yahoo ID, site is asking this information "What did i spend my honeymoon
but my problem is i have forgotten my answer Please help its a humble request.
Mr. Sunil On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
I am unable to open the Email Id of Please help me, my mail ID is and if i am trying to open, It is showing error What is your youngest child's nickname? My another mail ID is Sunil. You can mail about this mail id.
Mr. Vimal Shukla On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
When i am trying to open my account it is asking for my identity verification. Now when i go through this there is my old mobile number which is not in service now, it sends verification code on. It shows no other option. What should i do now ?
please help me
Mr. Digambar Jha On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Dear Sir, Kindly unlock my yahoo password, i forget password and unable to access yahoo mail id. My alternate ID, please send details by alternate mail. Regards, DigambarJha.
Mr. Ashok On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Dear Sir, This is to inform you that my yahoo ID ( in). It can not be open as blocked by you for security reason. So please suggest me how can i open my yahoo id. Thanks Ashok 9540330400.
Mr. Mageshbabu On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Dear Sir,Please help me. My ID and password is not opening from last two days. My ID name is My password is Mageshbabu. Please help me.
Mr. Sudhakaran.s On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
I FORGOT MY MAIL ID PASSWORD, please RESET THE MAIL ID PASSWORD THEN please UPDATE MY contact number: 9840521991 MAIL id is temp_Chennaiit@bandwidthgroup.In contact number: 9840521991 NAME: S. SUDHAKARAN.
Mr. Jinal Mehta On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Dear Sir/madam, My self Jinal Mehta. I forgot my yahoo password and secret answer password. My mail ID is: jinal_jmehta@yahoo.Co.In Please give me the solution to open it. Please send me solution on jin. Meh. 2385@gmail.Com.
Mr. R.nagesh On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
My yahoo mail is not opening as i have put the correct password. I also try to change my password, but that also did not happened. So please help me in restoring my account. My mail ID is
Mr. Prakash Vaswani On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
Sir, My account has been deactivated due to some technical errors. Its my company's official mail id. Am suffering from 4days without any mails. Facing huge loss in my business. None of yours toll free numbers are working. Kindly do the needful and make it as soon as possible. Thanks.
Mr. George Abraham On Phone To Yahoo Delhi Service
My name is george abraham vathakkattel my yahoo ID goshna2002@yahoo. Co. In now i have problem for my password i forgotten i can open my mail only my iphone also i lost my alternative mail its working, but i do not have access to open i left my company 2007,feb17. My alternative mail i cannot open i want get my password in my phone +25675722722 or my gmail: