Yes Bank Faridabad Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Yes Bank Faridabad is +91(0129) 2509100 .
Yes Bank Faridabad is the one of the operational areas of the Yes Bank Limited. The customer care of Yes Bank gives details about company’s branches, services and solves customer’s complaints. Yes Bank Limited is a private bank founded in 2004 by Ashok Kapoor and Rana Kapoor. According to March 2014, the company’s net income was US$ 190 million and 11,500 employees were working with the company. There are 560 branches and 1139 ATMs of the Bank all over the India. The bank also operates two National Centres, one in Mumbai and other in Gurgaon. On the Bombay Stock Exchange and Stock Exchange of India, Yes Bank’s equity shares are listed. Golden Peacock Award was awarded to Yes Bank in 2013 for Corporate Social Responsibility. Major shareholder of the Yes Bank Limited is Foreign Institutional Investors with 48.95% of shares.

Products and Services of Yes Bank

Yes bank offers customers many services like Corporate and Institutional Banking, Commercial Banking, Investment Banking, Retail Banking and Business Banking. In Corporate Banking, bank provides financial advice to customers who are generally corporate and individual investors. Yes Bank competes in the South Asian Commercial Banking market. In the Investment division of the bank consists of Joint Venture Advisory Services, Merchant Banking Services, domestic and cross border mergers and Private Equity Placement. In Business Banking, they provide services like cash handling, payment, direct banking, liabilities, investment and trade services.

Yes Bank Headquarters Contact Details

The corporate head office of Yes Bank is located in Nehru Centre, 9th floor, Discovery of India, Dr. A.B. Road, Worli, Mumbai – 400 018, Maharashtra, India. Contact Number of Yes Bank Head office is +91 (22) 6669 9000 and Fax Number of Head Office is +91 (22) 2490 0314. Email Id of Yes Bank Headquarters is

Contact Address of Yes Bank in Faridabad

Yes Bank has network of 560 branch offices in India, One of the branch office is situated at SCO-4, Sector 16 Faridabad, Haryana, India.

Customer Care Phone Number of Yes Bank Faridabad

To get any information related to products and services of Yes Bank in Faridabad, contact at +91(0129) 2509100 and IFSC code is YESB0000020. In addition to this, customers can also contact at Yes Bank Toll Free Number: 1800- 2000 and (022) 66699000. For any help related to company's issues, customers can send message to +91-92233-90909

Email Address of Yes Bank Faridabad:
For any problems or issues, subscribers can mail at given email address.

Yes Bank Website

Yes Bank also gives internet banking facility to the customers that includes instant registration, view account details, fund transfer, bill payment and enhanced security services. For internet banking facility, customers can log on to

Opening Times of Yes Bank Faridabad Branch Office

Representatives of Yes Bank Faridabad Branch Office are available from Monday through Friday at 9.30 am - 6.30 pm and Saturday at 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. Closed on Sunday.

Yes Bank Faridabad Address

The address of Yes Bank Faridabad is Ground Floor and Second Floor, SCO-4, Sector 16 Faridabad, Haryana – 121002.

Yes Bank Faridabad Email Address

The email address of Yes Bank Faridabad is

Yes Bank Faridabad Website

The Website of Yes Bank Faridabad is

Yes Bank Faridabad Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Yes Bank Faridabad is +91(0129) 2509100 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Yes Bank Faridabad Service Center and Yes Bank Faridabad customer care number is given below. The helpline of Yes Bank Faridabad customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Yes Bank Faridabad Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

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Mr. Sandeep CallsMar 30, 2015

Mr. Sandeep On Phone To Yes Bank Faridabad Service
I want to credit card what should i do. Please help me my email id.

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