Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala is 033 2396 5341 .
Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala is one of the cemented cinemas across the region, facilitating customers with quality alternatives of amusement. Apart from previewing latest flicks, Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala also has made available various amenities that are aimed for the comfort of customers. Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala, over the years has established a loyal customer base, utterly owing to the friendly approach to the customers.

Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala - Correspondence Information

When it comes to customer assistance, Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala ensures that the queries put forward are addressed in a limited time frame. Customers intending to get in touch with the Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala, for relevant queries and concern, are advised to call on following number 033 2396 5341.

Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala - Facilities Available

Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala caters the needs of customers with impeccable alternatives, turning the movie watching experience into the most remarkable one. The undertaking facilitates customers with beverages, fast food, parking space and other amenities.

Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala - Ticket Booking

Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala allows customers to book tickets easily, if you are intending to book tickets, kindly refer to given link http://www.ticketnew.com/OnlineTheatre/Theatre/DashBoardOnline.aspx?

Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala - Order Status

Customers can also keep an eye on the track of the products ordered. To know more in this regard, kindly follow given link http://www.ticketnew.com/onlinetheatre/theatre/UserLogin.aspx?

Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala Website

The Website of Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala is www.ajantacinema.com.

Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala is 033 2396 5341 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala Service Center and Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Ajanta Cinema Hall Behala will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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