Alan Abrams UFT Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Alan Abrams UFT is +1 212-777-7500 .
Alan Abrams UFT is a nonprofit union which was developed in the year of 1960 in New York, USA. Alan Abrams UFT is union for almost over than 200,000 working and retired people out of which includes teachers, classroom paraprofessionals, school secretaries, attendance teachers, guidance counselors, psychologists, social workers, education evaluators, nurses, laboratory technicians, adult education teachers and home child-care providers. Alan Abrams UFT is also known by United Federation of Teachers.

Office Contacts of Alan Abrams UFT

The main info regarding the Alan Abrams UFT can be obtained through the mentioned contact numbers:
General number: +1 212-777-7500
Bronx Office: 718-379-6200
Brooklyn office: 718-852-4900
Manhattan office: 212-598-6800
Queens office: 718-275-4400
Staten Island office: 718-605-1400
Press Office, Dick Riley: 212-598-9220
Certification Services: 212-420-1830
Child Abuse Detection and Reporting Course: 212-475-3737
Coaching Sessions: 212-475-3737
Dial-A-Teacher: 212-777-3380

Help Lines via Alan Abrams UFT

The Alan Abrams UFT offers its help line numbers for the members and children which includes as:
Health & Cancer: 212-539-0500
Member Assistance Program (MAP): 212-701-9620
Members with Disabilities: 212-598-7711
Membership: 212-598-6855
Hotline Daily recorded announcements: 212-777-0190
Advertising: 212-598-7735 / 800-448-4237
New York Teacher State Edition: 800-342-9810
Insurance & discount programs: 800-626-8101
Paraprofessional Social Services: 212-598-9291
Peer Intervention Program: 212-844-0600

Workshop Contacts via Alan Abrams UFT

For the workshop details of Alan Abrams UFT, call at:
Elementary School Workshops: 212-598-9272
JHS/IS Committee Workshops: 212-598-9282
HS workshops: 212-598-9217
Victim Support Program: 212-598-6853
Violence Prevention Workshops: 212-701-9413
Welfare Fund: 212-539-0500
Welfare Fund forms: 212-539-0539
Retiree Social Services: 212-598-6880
Workers' Compensation Service Program : 212-510-6460

Alan Abrams UFT Address

The address of Alan Abrams UFT is 52 Broadway, New York, NY 10004.

Alan Abrams UFT Website

The Website of Alan Abrams UFT is

Alan Abrams UFT Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Alan Abrams UFT is +1 212-777-7500 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Alan Abrams UFT Service Center and Alan Abrams UFT customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Alan Abrams UFT customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Alan Abrams UFT. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Alan Abrams UFT will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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