Altec Lansing Australia Contact Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Altec Lansing Australia Contact is +61 (02) 9959 9400 .
Altec Lansing, Incorporation is an American Audio electronics company that is engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of audio products. The company was established in 1927 and serviced theater sound systems at its primary stage. With the passage of time it expanded its area of operations and started manufacturing horn loudspeakers through a re-established company which was started in 1936 by the truthful efforts of a group of electrical engineers of an American electrical engineering and manufacturing company named as Western Electric Company. It offers a wide range of home, professional, computer, automotive, and multimedia audio products including Consumer loudspeakers, personal computer and video gaming loudspeakers, headphones, portable audio and home loudspeakers, in-ear monitors and many more. Altec Lansing, Incorporation is under the possession of Infinity Lifestyle Brands and has employed numerous well trained and experienced employees to provide quality services and match customer's expectations. The company has been granted SA8000 Worldwide Quality Certification and is one of the leading PC audio companies. It has various manufacturing and marketing units and manufactures speakers that can be easily connected with an Android phones, laptops and tablet computers. It operates numerous retail locations and independent locations by the means of franchise, licensing, and cooperation agreements to cater the audio needs of millions of residential and business customers around the world. Altec Lansing, Incorporation also offers on-line shopping services through various e-commerce websites to facilitate its customers worldwide. The company is committed to provide assured standard of services to its customers and is being operated by its headquarters located at San Diego in the province of California in the United States.

Altec Lansing Australia Contact Address

The address of Altec Lansing Australia Contact is 20, Berry Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060, New South Wales, Australia.

Altec Lansing Australia Contact Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Altec Lansing Australia Contact is +61 (02) 9959 9400 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Altec Lansing Australia Contact Service Center and Altec Lansing Australia Contact customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Altec Lansing Australia Contact customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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