Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury is +44 (1684) 297744 / 01684 438463 .
Canterbury Inn is a nightclub and bar facility in the United Kingdom. The club commenced its operation in 1960. It consists of a central bar that serves 3 regular beers named as Greene King Ipa , Greene King Abbot And Greene King Old Speckled Hen. It also offers fresh food, plentiful drinks and dance floors for an unstoppable entertainment of the guests. The pub offers convenient and free parking to its guests. Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury is engaged in providing assured standards of services to achieve customer satisfaction. The DJs at the Canterbury Inn ensures a full entertainment of the visitors and uses advanced lighting and sound systems. Canterbury Inn is a family friendly place and also offers impartial and friendly services to disabled people. It also accepts credit cards for the payment of the dues.

Specification Of Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury

Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury as mentioned is a nightclub that offers various services to people. The night club has many attractions to facilitate customers, that nightclub contains a bar that serves famous drinks to customers. The nightclub also offers delicious meals to customers that includes dishes from various regions. Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury also organize many musical nights and has dance floors to provide perfect night life experience. The nightclub has all the facilities to offer including vast parking area. Beside, this the nightclub offers multiple payment options to customers that comprises of payment through any master card.

Customer Care Contacts Of Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury

Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury assured to provide all the possible customer support through established channels. The night club has setup many contact channels to assist customers. To connect with customer support of Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury do use below given contacts:
Customer Contact: 01684 438463
Alternative Contact: +44 (1684) 297744

Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury Address

The address of Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury is Ashchurch Road, Newtown, Tewkesbury GL20 8BT, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom.

Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury is +44 (1684) 297744 / 01684 438463 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury Service Center and Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Canterbury Inn Tewkesbury will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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