Dollarama Lethbridge Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Dollarama Lethbridge is +1-(403)-317-0202 .
Dollarama is a Canada based public company that is engaged in the retailing of household products and cleaning supplies, health and beauty care products, drinks, snacks and other food products, hardware and electronics, toys and apparel. On the other hand, the company also offers general merchandise including arts and craft supplies, durable houseware, greeting cards, giftware, glassware, kitchenware, party supplies, stationery supplies and office supplies. It is one of the Canada's leading and largest retail chain. The company operates over 828 stores across the Canada. Further this, it also provides a variety of seasonal products including Halloween merchandise, Easter, St. Patrick’s day and Valentine’s day. The first store of the company was opened in April, 1992 in Matane, Quebec. Dollarama was formed by Larry Rossy. The company got Revenue of $1.420 billion CAD in the year 2009. Corporate office of the company is located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Dollarama Lethbridge store hours:Monday to Friday:09:00am to 09:00pm, Saturday:08:30am to 7:00pm and Sunday:10:00am to 5:00pm.

Contacting Dollarama Lethbridge

Dollarama Lethbridge offers expedited assistance to the customers, paying attention to the queries and concerns so put forth and responding with immediate solution. To get in ouch with Dollarama Lethbridge, customers are requested to call on 1-888-755-1006 or alternatively fill out the contact form at the given link

Dollarama Lethbridge - Store Locator

With a view to reach customers in a better manner Dollarama Lethbridge has outlets structured in different parts of the region, catering the varied needs of customers in a better manner. To locate a Dollarama Lethbridge in your vicinity, the given link may be employed

Dollarama Lethbridge - Career Opportunities

Dollarama Lethbridge offers ample opportunities of employment to the individuals who are keen to frame a notable career. The undertaking shelters talent and provides enough room to learn and evolve. For the services rendered, employees at Dollarama Lethbridge are entertained with competitive remuneration and other benefits. To know about the present vacancies at Dollarama Lethbridge, kindly refer to the link provided

Dollarama Lethbridge - Press Release

Dollarama Lethbridge keeps the esteemed customers and other affiliated members informed regarding the functions of the organisation, bringing various aspects under the notice. For further information please visit the link provided

Dollarama Lethbridge Address

The address of Dollarama Lethbridge is 104 13th St N, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1H 2R4, Canada.

Dollarama Lethbridge Website

The Website of Dollarama Lethbridge is

Dollarama Lethbridge Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Dollarama Lethbridge is +1-(403)-317-0202 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Dollarama Lethbridge Service Center and Dollarama Lethbridge customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Dollarama Lethbridge customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Dollarama Lethbridge Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

No complaints and reviews so far for Dollarama Lethbridge.To add review or complaint against Dollarama Lethbridge Click Here.
We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Dollarama Lethbridge. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Dollarama Lethbridge will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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