Ms. Ann O’boyle On Phone To Dublin Airport Service
I have a disability and have PRM card. I couldn’t get PRM space at the airport for four days and parked and payed for normal space, but was told in an email from Laura Foley to send photo of my card and booking number on my return and get a partial refund. I have done all that and keep getting a standard reply saying the ticket is closed with absolutely no explanation, it’s difficult enough with a disability, but being treated like this (15 messages)is causing me me untold stress as getting no explanation whatsoever. All my correspondence with customer care is on your files. I don’t know what image code is.
Ms. Serena Winczner On Phone To Dublin Airport Service
I was given the phone number 353 one 8125715 as the contact number to inquire about my luggage that was lost. Whenever I call the number it goes to voicemail. Sometimes the voicemail is full. When I have left messages, they have not been returned. My luggage was lost by Ethiopian Airlines and getting ahold of them is just as difficult. They are claiming that a reimbursement check has been verified by your airport and mailed to me but, I haven't received it. It has been six weeks since my luggage didn't arrive with me in Dublin for my vacation and I didn't get it back until I was about to go back to the US. Can anyone assist me with verification that my claim has been processed or with getting a representative of Ethiopian Airlines to contact me because they are only allowing me to correspond with them via email. Thank you. My cell phone number is: one (916)396-3460.