Hotel Du Vin Cambridge Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Hotel Du Vin Cambridge is +44 844 736 4253 .
Hotel DU Vin is the chain of the Boutique Hotel that operates fifteen hotels in the United Kingdom. It was founded in the year of 1994 by the efforts of Gerard Basset and Robin Hutson. It offers various services to the customers such as Dining services, Bubble bar inside the hotel, stay facility, meeting hall, Rooms and suites, wedding services and many others to the customers. The hotel provides Gym and Spa services also. There are various other attractions near the hotel such as Pallasades and Pavillion indoor Shopping malls, Cadbury World and Birmingham Botanical Gardens and Glasshouses. It also offers online facility to book lodge facility for the customers. The hotel rooms are featured with internet access, free parking, wi fi service etc. IT Works under the parent company KSL Capital. It serves customers with quality services and organizes some events for various occasions in the United Kingdom. The Hotel Du Vin serves local, residents and visitors with reasonable rates in the Hotel.

Hotel Du Vin Cambridge Address

The address of Hotel Du Vin Cambridge is 15-19 Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1QA, United Kingdom.

Hotel Du Vin Cambridge Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Hotel Du Vin Cambridge is +44 844 736 4253 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Hotel Du Vin Cambridge Service Center and Hotel Du Vin Cambridge customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Hotel Du Vin Cambridge customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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