ICA Singapore Contact Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of ICA Singapore Contact is +65- 6391-6100 .
The ICA stands for Immigration and Checkpoints Authority, it is the part of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Singapore Government. Its responsibility greatly lay emphasis on the security of Singapore's borders against the trespassing of undesirable people and their illegal actions through land, air and sea checkpoints. The Authority also performs immigration and registration functions to issue travel documents and Identity cards to Singapore citizens. It also issues various temporary passes to foreigners. It is also deals in birth and death registrations.

The Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) comes into play on 1st April 2003 with the merger of Singapore Immigration and Registration (SIR) and the border control functions of Customs and Excise Department (CED).

The Singapore Immigration and the National Registration Department merged on 1st April 1998 to from Singapore Immigration and Registration. The National Registration Department (NRD) founded on 16th October 1981 when the National Registration Act (NRA), Registry of Births and Deaths (RBD), Registry of Societies (ROS) and Martial Arts Control Unit (MACU) merged into one. The Martial Arts Control Unit was transferred to the Criminal Investigation Department in April 1992. The Empress Place Museum is the house of The National Registration Department.

ICA Singapore Contact Address

The address of ICA Singapore Contact is ICA Building, 10 Kallang Road, Singapore 208718.

ICA Singapore Contact Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of ICA Singapore Contact is +65- 6391-6100 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of ICA Singapore Contact Service Center and ICA Singapore Contact customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of ICA Singapore Contact customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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ICA Singapore Contact Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Philip Attuah Ansah CallsOct 10, 2017

Mr. Philip Attuah Ansah On Phone To ICA Singapore Contact Service
Dear sir,

I have visited Singapore two times and my last visit I was repatriated by immigration, but I was advice to write to CIA to clear me before I can visit Singapore again. Am Ghanaian and citizen of Ghana who normal like to visit your country on holidays. Please direct me on what to do. Thank

Customer care male
Mr. Ramalingam S CallsMay 09, 2017

Mr. Ramalingam S On Phone To ICA Singapore Contact Service
I have been issued with a Singapore Long Term Social Visit pass valid until 24/05/2021. I have renewed my Indian Passport a few days back since (a) it is due to expire in December 2017 and (b) to inform the Passport authorities about change in residential address. Now, How do I inform ICA Singapore about the details of the new passport. Do I have to surrender the existing visit pass and obtain a new one and how this should be done. I need your advice. I chose to write in this column as I do not find a separate email address of the ICA.

Customer care female
Ms. Nainisha Shah CallsJun 03, 2018

Ms. Nainisha Shah On Phone To ICA Singapore Contact Service
Hello, My son's student pass in expiring on 22nd June. Can I take appointment on 16th June for LTVP pass ?
Do we need to cancel student pass or it is automatically get cancelled ?

Thanking you in advance,
Regards, .

Customer care male
Mr. Andre Poon CallsAug 18, 2018

Mr. Andre Poon On Phone To ICA Singapore Contact Service
I am 57 years old, very careful with my belongings and I've never lost my IC till now. It happened in frantic Guangzhou Railway Station in July this year. To my astonishment, I was told by ICA the "penalty" for a replacement is $100My question is, for an elderly of 57 years old, with failing eye sight and affected mobility, the same as a 20/30 years old, being slapped with the same replacement fee?
Where is the promise by the government to look after the sick and the elderly? I hope you can assess my case with kindness and empathy as $100 is a big sum for someone like me.

Customer care male
Mr. Koh Boon Kuang CallsApr 10, 2018

Mr. Koh Boon Kuang On Phone To ICA Singapore Contact Service
I am a Malaysia and I plan to withdraw my CPF now. One of the requirements is to get a PR Renounce Letter from ICA. I left Singapore to work oversea in January 2010 and I stopped subscribing CPF since then. My PR was expired in Jan 2016 and I attempted to renew it, but I did not fulfill the conditions. Is my PR still valid? Do I need to get a letter of renunciation from ICA to confirm I am no longer a Singapore PR? Please help on this. Thank you. I have sent a email to CPF ask the questions as above on 9th April, but no response so far although I received an instant message stated that CPF would provide answer within three working days. While talking to Jamie seemed did not provide any relevant information. Please help.

Customer care female
Ms. Jacqueline CallsDec 29, 2014

Ms. Jacqueline On Phone To ICA Singapore Contact Service
The number is not working. Have tried many times.

Customer care user complaints