London Drugs Surrey Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of London Drugs Surrey is +1 604-448-4809 .
London Drugs is a privately owned retail store in Canada that provides different types of products to the customers. The wide range and variety of products offered to the customers are electronics, grocery, pharmaceuticals, health and beauty, photofinishing, insurance services, furniture, toys and housewares. The company is operated and administered by chairman, president, vice president and chief executive officer (CEO). The company owns different types of labeled brands under which different products and services are provided such as London Drugs consists of Health Products, Furniture, Home ware, Food, etc.; London Home consists of Furniture, Dinnerware; Certified Data consists of Computers; London Naturals consists of vitamins and medicines; LD Insurance consists of insurance services; London Spa consists of Spa related services; London Plantation consists of nuts; Custom-Works consists of Entertainment System Installation and London Premiere consists of Cosmetic related products. There are total of 77 stores that are located in different provinces of Canada out of which 50 stores are located in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia; 21 stores are located in Alberta (including 9 stores in Edmonton region, 8 in Calgary region and 4 in different communities) and in Saskatchewan, 2 in Regina, 2 in Saskatoon and 1 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. London Drugs offers medical, dental, prescription drugs and vision coverage for families and communities across Canada. The company gets involved in different activities and programs including Health and Wellness program, Employee Discount program, Ongoing In-House Training and Education Courses, Employee Family Assistance Program and Employee Recognition Program and they also provide with training programs and post-secondary educational opportunities to their employees. It provides on-line facility to the customers for purchase of products. London Drugs was founded in 1945 and has its headquarters located at Richmond, British Columbia.

London Drugs Surrey Address

The address of London Drugs Surrey is 10355 152 Street Number 2300, Surrey, British Columbia V3R 7C1, Canada.

London Drugs Surrey Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of London Drugs Surrey is +1 604-448-4809 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of London Drugs Surrey Service Center and London Drugs Surrey customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of London Drugs Surrey customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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