Ms. Johanna O connell On Phone To Master Forge Service
The bottom of my grill rusted out. Can this part be replaced? Tried to find part for my model SH3118b with no luck.
Hello, my name is Oscar Olenko , I recently purchased a Master Forge smoker model MFU732BDE, the electric heating element does not work any
longer I cannot find a place where to buy a replacement element Can
you please advise me in how to obtain a new element? Can you supply one?
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks
Oscar. PS if needed please re direct this E-mail to the proper department.
Mr. Ron Aschenauer On Phone To Master Forge Service
Trying to get went to grill and gas is pouing out the reguler got this last christmas any warranty if not i am going to the trash 606 923 4977 ron.
Mr. Doug Friend On Phone To Master Forge Service
Trying to find a replacement "ash tray" that the grease pan slides into. Model number is L3218-1, serial number NL003141. I can find the part on any of the drawings. The pan is approx 18" by 32".
Ms. Christie Lawrence On Phone To Master Forge Service
I bought my husband a grill in 2014 paying $899. 00 plus tax making it almost $1100. Today we called to see if MasterForge could assist us because the bottom of the grill is completely rusting and is beginning to cave in. We were advised the the company only warranties their product for one year. The base and the burners inside are almost useless. I am truly sadden by the lack of concern that their grill would cost so much and not be willing to help repair the grill. This is only two years old and looks like it is ten years old. He just returned from overseas only to find the outside grill is not so outside friendly after all. I am asking for help in making my husbands grill usable. I have attached pictures for your viewing. IT WONT ALLOW ME TO POST THE PICTURES. I WILL TRY AGAIN.
Mr. Jorge Rodriguez On Phone To Master Forge Service
I need parts for 3-Burner Modular Grill, Model BG1793B-A
I send pictures of the necessary parts, the IMG_2900 photograph shows the parts i need encased in the yellow box. Thanks for your attention, i hope to answer with tye cost and procedure for shipping of the parts.
Mr. Fred Uriot On Phone To Master Forge Service
Grill does not have even flame on all burners not a even flame from side to side need help thanks.
I see that my phone number (800.666.8200) is listed as the primary contact for Master Forge. We have nothing to do with them. I need to have my number removed asap. Please feel free to contact me regarding this matter but I need it address now. Mark
Ms. Irene Horvat On Phone To Master Forge Service
We purchased your kitchen unit - consisting of the Grill - BG179A, BG179B, Bg179C (sink, fridge and burner units). We understand that the Corner Unit, B179D is only available in Canada. We live in Delaware -USA. How is it possible for us to purchase this corner unit without going to Canada to get it? Please respond at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Irene and Larry Horvat
908. 303. 3533 Cell.
I bought the Master Forge 6-burner outdoor kitchen gas grill, item 0221894/model 6318B, in 2015 from Lowes. Before the warranty was up, I had a problem with the burners melting the knobs and bezels on front of grill. After the burner was lit, the fire came back in opposite direction melting the bezels and knobs on front of grill. The knobs were very hot and I was unable to turn the burner off with a towel over the knob. The knob was melted and would not turn off the burner. I had to turn off gas to tank, then get a pair of pliers to turn valve off. I bought new knobs and bezels and received a new manifold. I bought all new burners also. I installed the manifold and everything worked well. The problem started happening again with the knobs melting and the flame coming back towards the front of grill and melting knobs. I ordered new knobs today, 7/18/16. I like the grill, but cannot deal with these ongoing problems.
I have a portable table top Master Forge grill. I have lost the valve that screws into the propane tank and the grill. Can I get another?.
My husband and i purchased the Master Forge model P3018. We are very happy with it. We just noticed we need to replace the four heat plates and a plate that covers the bottom of the bar b que. It is 8. five inches by four inches. Please help me replace these parts. I would like to pick them up today in the Toronto area. I spoke with Lowes and they have no parts that would work. What do you have to suggest to help me? Thank you.