Ms. Georgia Rasa On Phone To My Client Line Service
I cannot access Dispute Manager to enter a timed dispute for a chargeback. I received a temporary password, that does not allow me to enter site. I need to gain access as soon as possible, for the chargeback dispute is dated. And it has been days, and no one has called me back to help me.
Ms. Vanessa Sherman On Phone To My Client Line Service
Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to merge two logins into one. When we have to pull reports, we have to login into two different user ID's for the same stores to get our reports. Some stores are linked to both logins and both logins also have fee's. It would be much easier to get our reports done if it were possible to connect these into one login.
Mr. R Mansfield On Phone To My Client Line Service
Joining the your support line IS terrible club. I'm lockout out and can not get help getting logged in. No one answers any of the lines meanwhile. My company is just "locked out".
Ms. Alexia Brooks On Phone To My Client Line Service
I agree with everyone, your website is TERRIBLE. Just like everyone else I have gotten locked out b/c I need to change my password, then I am told to call the help desk and there is no phone number listed, now I am sitting on the phone listening to automated prompts when I just want to talk to a REAL person and get a new password that will actually work.
Mr. Andy On Phone To My Client Line Service
Logging in to client line is a nightmare. Please change your system. I log in once a month and everymonth i have to change my pw. This time it did not even work. I got locked out for too many attempts.
Mr. Mike B On Phone To My Client Line Service
Their website has been crashing for the last two days. I can not manage my merchant accounts because of this.
Ms. Neva Wallsmith On Phone To My Client Line Service
Website is not especially user friendly. There is no contact information on the site directly - it has to be Googled, and you have to guess whether or not you are calling the right number. I was redirected four times to get to the right person.
Mr. Josh Hern On Phone To My Client Line Service
Hello, My system has locked me out. I tried to update my password as it made me, then when I tried to login again, it asked me to update again, and finally it said I had too many attempts.
Ms. Cam Tang On Phone To My Client Line Service
I am trying to log into my client line account and I am asked to change my password. Once I entered the old and new password, I am told my password is not valid.
Ms. Hans Schmidt On Phone To My Client Line Service
This is the worst piece of software i have worked with over the years. Since your conversion, it is impossible to get into my account with out 30 min assistance from your "tech specialist". Time for you guys to go out of the software business. Hope lots of incompetent heads roll in the near future. Shame on you to force such an inferior software on already over demanded customers.
Ms. Kay Williams On Phone To My Client Line Service
Your system of resetting your password is beyond horrible. Never does work. I get locked out of my account, every time I have been asked to change my password. Then you are asked to call the wonderful help desk, is there a phone number posted there, of course not. How stupid is that. I do not log in to the client line, mainly because the whole set up is very poorly designed. Have a home page that does not list contact information, that is beyond not very customer friendly. In fact horrible, customer service. Also, who ever assign us our ID's, could have not made it any harder to remember. One should be able to go in and be able to change ID's to something the customer could remember.
Ms. Kristine Horton On Phone To My Client Line Service
Good morning,
My name is Kristine Horton with The City of Beeville. I am locked out of my account. Can you help me? I tried logging in with my original password and it asked me to enter a new password which I did and it did not work so after so many attempts it locked me out.
Mr. Louis Arbanas On Phone To My Client Line Service
1. Phone line is constantly busy2. Password reset help is needed. Very clunky and poorly written authentication process.