Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana is +1 406-657-7000,406-237-5825, 866-426-7586 .
The Saint Vincent Hospital is a provider of health care services to the people in United States. The different departments are available in the hospital to provide various services to the patients like Dermatology, Diabetes Center, Joint Replacement Center, Heart & Vascular Center and many more. It also provides financial assistance service to the people who are not able to afford medical treatment in the hospital. The hospital also helps the people to provide them information regarding health insurance plans. It provides 24 hour service for the people to pay their bills on-line from anywhere and anytime. Its mission is to provide the quality health care services to the people to decrease the outcomes of the patients.

Medical Staff Contacts of the Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana

The staff of the Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana are well experienced and qualified of the medical field which includes:
1. Lionel E. Tapia, MD(Pediatrics):
President of the Medical Staff
Children's Clinic PC
3401 Ave E
Billings, MT 59102
Tel: (406)281-8700
Fax: (406)281-8708
2. James Bentler, MD(Emergency Medicine):
President Elect
Holy Rosary Healthcare
2600 Wilson St
Emergency Dept
Miles City, MT 59301
Tel: (406)233-2600
Fax: (406)233-2784 (or)
SVPN Emergency Dept:
1233 N 30th St
Emergency Dept
Billings, MT 59101-0127
Tel: (406)237-4116
Fax: (406)237-4125
3. Jeffrey Johnson, MD(Internal Medicine):
Immediate Past President
SVPN Internal Medicine Associates
2900 12th Ave N Ste 310W
Billings, MT 59101
Tel: (406)238-6900
Fax: (406)238-6939

Contacts Persons of the Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana

1. Kay Brown, CPMSM, CPCS(Director):
Tel: (406) 237-3661
2. Lynnette Fisher, CPCS, CPMSM(Medical Staff Coordinator):
Ph: (406) 237-3659
Email: lynnette.fisher@sclhs.net3.
3. Sarah McNamara(Licensing Specialist):
Tel: (406) 237-3959

Other Contact Numbers of the Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana

1. For Clinic outpatient billing department: 406-237-5850 or 866-426-7585
2. Contact of Angie Heaney(Student Boarding): 406-237-3062 or
3. For Cancer Information: (406) 238-6290 or Toll Free: 1-800-648-6274
4. For Breast Cancer: (406) 237-4373

Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana Address

The address of Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana is 1233 N 30th Street, Billings, Mt 59101, United States.

Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana Email Address

The email address of Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana is

Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana Website

The Website of Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana is

Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana contact person

The contact person of Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana is Sr. Barbara Aldrich.

Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana is +1 406-657-7000,406-237-5825, 866-426-7586 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana Service Center and Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Saint Vincent Hospital Billings Montana customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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