Social Security Administration Alabama Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Social Security Administration Alabama is + 1 (800)-772-1213 .
The Social Security Administration SSA is a government agency that protects the rights of the people in the United States. It was created on August 14, 1935 and headquarters is situated in Woodlawn, Maryland, USA. It provides many Benefits to the retired, survivors and disabled persons legally. The Social Security Administration SSA has many regional offices, field offices, card centers, processing centers, hearing offices and others in different areas to serve the people. They issue separate social security number to all the members for providing them services. Its mission is to provide many social benefits to the people for their welfare.

Services Offered by the Social Security Administration

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Social Security Administration Alabama. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Social Security Administration Alabama will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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