Town and Country Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Town and Country is +1-212-649-2000 .
Town and Country is a monthly fashion magazine that was founded by Nathaniel Parker Willis and George Pope Morris. It is the oldest magazine in the United States and first issue of the magazine was published in 2011. The publishing company of the magazine is Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. The total circulation of this magazine is approximately 460,117 copies. The magazine publishes topics on arts, culture, interior design, travel, fashion, weddings, parties, gala events, beauty, health, etc.

Address of Town and Country Office:

The mailing address of Town and Country Magazine is: 300 West 57th Street, New York, New York, 10019-3794, United States

Town and Country Customer Service Phone Number:

+1-212-649-2000, this is the main phone number of Hearst Communications's division namely Hearst Magazines, through you can contact to the customer service representatives of Town and Country for your queries, complaints, suggestions and subscriptions.

Website of Town and Country:, this is the official website of Town and Country magazine, where you can read articles online. It also allows customers to apply online for a magazine.

Important FAQs of Town and Country Magazine:

The official website has an important page that is called as FAQs page. The subscribers can easily obtain their answer regarding account, subscription orders, general information, issues, technical problems, as well as digital services. For important Town and Country FAQs, visit at:

Social Media Links to Follow Town and Country:

Town and Country Facebook Page:

Town and Country Twitter Account:

Town and Country Google Plus Account:

Town and Country Address

The address of Town and Country is 300 West 57th Street, New York, New York, 10019-3794, United States.

Town and Country Website

The Website of Town and Country is

Town and Country Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Town and Country is +1-212-649-2000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Town and Country Service Center and Town and Country customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Town and Country customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Town and Country Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Frances Rogers CallsMar 17, 2018

Oct. 24, 2017 I paid by check 7062 a gift subscription to Town and Country for Rebecca Glassman, 312 Ashford Circle, Dunwoody, GA 30338. The check cleared my account Nov. three, 2017. She has not received a magazine yet. On March five, 2018 I ordered another subscription for my daughter using my credit card. I would like to know that she will receive two years of Town and Country magazine. Please confirm.

Customer care male
Mr. Charles Hammerslag CallsOct 25, 2017

Mr. Charles Hammerslag On Phone To Town and Country Service
I keep getting dunning letters that I owe $14. 95. Yet if I go to Web page for my account 086430207it says paid in full. This is my third attempt to contact you with no avail. Will you please explain?

Charles Hammerslag
607. 221. 5131.

Customer care female
Ms. Jane E. Ragusa CallsMay 13, 2018

In April I purchased a subscription to Town and Country for my sister - Laurie Smith of 26733 Kentoaks Ct. In Chantilly, VA. 20152 - and I was wondering when she would receive her first issue. Thank you for your search into this matter
Jane Ragusa.

Customer care female
Ms. CallsOct 09, 2015

Ms. On Phone To Town and Country Service
Account number 1471869907We did not receive the October issue, when we go on our account we cannot add the zip code 75008, this information is missing and extremely needed. Can you please enter this address : SOPAREXO 19 Avenue Montaigne 75008 PARIS - France.

Customer care user complaints