University of Pittsburgh Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of University of Pittsburgh is +1(412)-624-4141 .
The University of Pittsburgh is a publicly held co-educational research university that came into existence on February 28, 1787 under the name Pittsburgh Academy. In 1908, it changed its name to 'University of Pittsburgh'. The university provides a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses regarding Business Administration, Engineering, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Pharmacy, Bioinformatics, Chemistry, Dental Hygiene, Geology and Health Information Management. The university serves more than 29,000 students annually. It has four campuses which are located in Bradford, Johnstown, Titusville and Greensburg. The main campus of the university is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. Its main campus is spread in an area of around 132 acres. The University of Pittsburgh is affiliated to Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Universities Research Association and Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. It provides comprehensive facilities to their students consisting Housing facility, an athletics complex, library, swimming pool, cafeteria and many more. The university is associated with Association of American Universities. It has 350 student organizations and clubs including choral groups, dance, jazz band, marching band, student film society, music ensembles, radio station,concert band, television station and yearbook. The university has seventeen varsity teams which are known as Panthers. Few sports teams are football, soccer, baseball, diving, wrestling, basketball and swimming. In addition to this, the university also offers scholarships to their students who are eligible for it.

University of Pittsburgh Address

The address of University of Pittsburgh is 4200 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260, United States.

University of Pittsburgh Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of University of Pittsburgh is +1(412)-624-4141 (Click phone number to call).

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