Walmart Centennial Hamilton Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Walmart Centennial Hamilton is +1 905-561-7600 .
Wal-Mart in Canada is a retail division of discount departmental stores with the name of Walmart Canada Corporation. It is a multinational organization that provides different of products, items and accessories to the people of Canada. The retail store provides different types of products including clothing, footwear, jewelry, pharmacy, books, decor, cosmetics, electronics, entertainment, sports items and many more. It also consists of food related items including bakery, dairy products, frozen food, seafood & others. There are many different organizations that serve the same products as that of WalMart Super Center such as Zellers, Target Canada, Hart Stores and Giant Tiger. The company is the largest grocery retailer store and supermarket chain as that of other groups including Quality Foods, Mike Dean's Super Food Stores, Loblaws, Sobeys, Thrifty Foods, Save-On-Foods, Country Grocer, Fairway Market and many more. WalMart Canada offers products at reasonable prices to the customers and also offers them discounts on big deal of products. WalMart has its operating divisions located in different parts of the world including South America, China, Brazil, United States, Argentina, Australia, Canada, England and many more. The company serves with the purpose of "save money, live better" better quality products to the customers and make their shopping experience good. This retail store was ranked 10th among the admired corporate cultures by Waterstone Human Capital Incorporation. The WalMart Canada Corporation came into existence with the production of the Woolco Canada chain from F. W. Woolworth Company. It has also received different types of awards for serving different types of communities and organizations. The employees at the store respect the customers by being accountable in their profession, providing them good services and promoting learning at all levels. WalMart Canada was incorporated in 1994 and has its headquarters located at Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

Walmart Centennial Hamilton Address

The address of Walmart Centennial Hamilton is 510 Centennial Parkway North, Hamilton, Ontario L8E 0G2, Canada.

Walmart Centennial Hamilton Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Walmart Centennial Hamilton is +1 905-561-7600 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Walmart Centennial Hamilton Service Center and Walmart Centennial Hamilton customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Walmart Centennial Hamilton customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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