Ms. Jennifer Rice On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
My lap top is dead. I now have an I pad, I have my yahoo mail, news and weather but cannot see how to get my yahoo messenger. Please help Jenny
Ms. Kimberly Fedorow On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
I called the UK number for Yahoo/ United Kingdom but the message stated it was a restricted number. Code
Sam Tomson On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
I have been using my email for the last eight years, but do not know that for some reason I cannot get in .. Whenever I enter my password then it keeps showing me that my password is incorrect and when I use the forgotten password link then they ask me for my oldest cousins name, but I do not remember what I put in so please please please help me to open my account back .... Thanks very much
Mr. Isaac Samson On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
I cannot access my yahoo mail account I need help and i received a message that says Unsuccessful Login: Account Locked Temporarily. This account is temporarily locked for 12 hours because of security concerns. Please try signing in later or contact online Yahoo Customer Care for further assistance. Please help me to access my account. I have received this message for many months.
Mr. Kenneth Sparks On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
I was using my email for the last eight years, but do not know for some reason I can not get in. Whenever I enter my password then its telling me that your password is incorrect and when I use the forgotten password link then they ask me for me for my oldest cousin's name, but I do not remember what I put in so please please please help me to open my account back. Thanks very much.
Mr. Mark Simpson On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
My yahoo account has been hacked. I cannot log in and my password has been changed by someone. Please help. Thanks very much.
Saima Rafiq On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Please can you remove my comment from the board. I would not like to display it. I am known by the name ms.saima.
Mr. Milind Ingale On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
My mails get distorted when I reply or forward them. I have been using yahoo for almost two decades. But now I am enough frustrated after new yahoo mail. Please solve my problem.
Mr. Santosh Mishra On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
I have created an account on yahoo, but my account is automatically close after some time using. So I have to requested you that restart to it. Thanks.
Ms. Anna On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Hello, I am Anna I have inquiries about my email address. I can not access to my yahoo. It said actually blocked. Please i need answer soon as possible thank you. My email is annafoll@yahoo.Co.Uk.
Mr. Theodore Coffie Denyoh On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
I am using my iphone to access my yahoo mail, but for about a week now i cannot send mail none any attachments and i keep receiving on my iphone screen ("connection to server failed"). My yahoo mail which is experiencing the problem is and you can get back to me on (+44)07787820245) or Thanks.
Ms. Ambarin On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Hi my email address is ambarin96@yahoo. Co. UK and i cannot access my account the security password has changed without my knowledge. What do i do ? Please call me on 07521235834 this is really stressful as i am expecting a very important email in regards to work?
Mr. Phil On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Please HELP
I sent my partner an email on 5-11-13 from my HTC One X mobile phone, but it didn't show in my sent box as being sent at that time.
At 3.24am on 8-12-13 she received the email and it does now show in my sent box.
I wasn't even on my phone at that time so why does it say that's when it was sent?
Can an email get stuck somewhere and then just appear like that?
Please can someone unravel this mystery?
Kind Regards
Mr. ephreme Maria Esthaky On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Respected Customer Support group,
I have been using yahoo mail UK for the last 15 years with the following id I am unable to open the emails for the last two weeks. My Indian telephone number is 00919488664905 or please contact with this id kindly make arrangement to activate my number.
Mr. Colin Mcintosh On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Can you please assist. I am unable to sign in to my Yahoo account it states You are logging in from a device we do not recognize. My alternative hotmail email account is now deactivated and I am not sure what to do.
As soon as I can access my yahoo account I will update with my mobile number and new alternative email address. is my new alternative email address.
Can you please advise.
Mr. Aqeel Qureshi On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Dear sir/madam.
i been using yahoo mail since last ten year, but i think my account is been hacked or must be some one using it as i cant access it, i tried to open it with all detail i know, but didn't got any luck.
i got some important stuff on it which is very usefull to me and i will be very pleased if i can get my account back to normal.
my email address is
as i said my email address is not working could you please contact me on my phone 07412679785. or if you need to email me then you can email me on my colleagues email which is
Mr. King Kofi Bossman On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
I cannot access my e-mail account. Since June I have not been receiving any e-mail and I do not realy know what has happend to my account.
Mr. lee On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Hi, my wife can no longer access her Yahoo account. She tried a customer support number and we spent an hour talking to India, only to be asked for eighty pounds. I believe my wife s account has been hacked. Please can you help her get her account back.
I am
01773 856854
Thank you
Mr. Kemo darboe On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Hi my email is I am using for almost three years, but now I cannot get access to it if I put my password it's showing me the invalid password and my security question was my favourite uncles , but still I can not go thought it.
Mr. Michael Collins On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Unable to access my email account,
Login states 'account temporarily suspended' ..... Please unlock to enable password change.
Mr. john On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
I have not used my yahoo email for several years, can you help with access to:
my current email is
Mr. durga On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Account locked temporarily.
This account is temporarily locked for 12 hours because of security concerns. Please try signing in later. For additional help, please contact Yahoo! Customer Care online.
Mr. Kemo Darboe On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
I cannot get access to my yahoo mail. I have try in my phone and my computer and the other device, but still is the same problem.
Mr. Neil On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Account blocked due to being hacked I have tried to change password, but can not remember my security question answer
Ms. Annie On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
How to block my inbox mail sent non drop by unknown person with email
Please help as its sent more than 30 times daily for more than a month .Thanks.
Ms. Mynnah On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
hell l am trying to logg on my account,but its saying pass word and username is wrong,its asking for securty.but l did not change my password or myuser name l cant solve this issue on line can you please call me and 07771786908
Mr. Gary Lee On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Yahoo email has been hacked.
I input login and password and it goes straight to security question which has been changed without my knowledge.
Problem not solved on line as I can not access my account
01274 541100
Mr. Ahmad On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Hello this is raheel I m trying to sign in my account last two weeks, but is not opening plus I forget my security question please help me it's account very important four me lots off emails are there this is my I'd
Mr. saif On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Hi,my e-mail address is
I have been trying to access to my account cant not go through.Asking for my security questions answer which i forgot it.I have been using from 2009 this account.Pls please pls help me out from this hell...My importance things is there.....Urgent pls
here is my other e-mail
Mr. mail account On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
hi my name is muhammad faisal hanif and my email ID is for some reason i am unable to login and its urgent for me to get in as soon as possible my alternative email ID is and my mobile number 00447412606268 can you do some thing i am in bit trouble at the moment
Ms. Nicola Campbell On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Cannot access my account as not accepting password or secret question answer. Account is you can contact me at
Ms. Nikki On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
I am trying to log into my Yahoo Mail account with my User ID and Password which is correct, but then it prompts me with a verification question apparently that was set up in year 2009. Problem is, this is the 1st time it has asked me this question and I do not remember or recall ever setting this up!
I need to get into my account and I do not know how to bypass this. I do not wish to set a new account up, I just need to get into my existing one.
I would be most grateful if you would kindly resolve this issue at your end and contact me please on 07949-644110 or email
Ms. Carmen Camilleri On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Hi,I cant't log in to my account as the system is telling me that the Device is Unknown. I have had this account for almost nine years and I forgot my security answer. Also the primary email I've given is closed. What can I do to open my account again, I really need my account back. My email address is Thanks
Ms. saima On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
Hi my email is- I am using this ID since last five years, but do not know some reasons I cant access my account ... Whenever I enter my password then its shown in Your password is incorrect and when I use forgotten password link then they asking me for my oldest niece first name, but I do not remember what was I put in so please help me to open my account back .... Thanks very much
Ms. amandeep On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
I can not open my account and I forgot the security questions. B.ut I need to trace order. I rang the helpline and they did not open it yet and my phone bill came 32 pound to rang them, it's not good. My email address is
Please help if you
Ms. raessa On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
hi my email is i was using this since 3yers, but do not know what happend do not let me in and iam writin right password, but they said is incorrect...please help me...thankz
Ms. Rinko On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
i can not access my yahoo mail account i need help i received message is Unsuccessful Login: Account Locked Temporarily.
This account is temporarily locked for 12 hours because of security concerns. Please try signing in later or contact online Yahoo! Customer Care for further assistance.
pls help me to access my i received this message last many months.
thank you.
Mr. Hemant Patel On Phone To Yahoo Uk Service
My email is -
I m using this I'd since last eight years, but do not know some reason I can not thru in .. Whenever I enter my password den its showin your password is incorrect and when I use forgotten password link den they asking me for ma older cousin name, but I do not remember wat was I put in so please plz please help me to open my account back ....
Thanks very much