It was just on the news that a lady intered the "new flavor" contest for Oreos and came up with cherry cola flavor. The company initially responded favorably. When she asked about the prize, when Oreo actually came out with her flavor, they claimed it was already in the works. We all know this is bogus Why didn't they initially tell her this? I'm going on facebook and asking everyone to boycott Oreos. Sue Malone .
Mr. Debbie Macdonald On Phone To Oreo Service
Your current commercial is SOOOO overplayed and ANNOYING that I will NOT buy your cookies specifically because of this.
I love Oreo's
Hello, Oreo
I work at a local non-profit with at risk youth and we are looking for some incentives to get these kids moving
would you be willing donate a gift card(s) for the ongoing cause
you can check us out at Rewritten. Org
Thank you for your time.
Ms. Carol Kershaw On Phone To Oreo Service
I recently purchased the 35 pack - four cookies in each pack - from Costco in the Tumwater, WA area. For the most part, the cookies are good. But, I have found several packages where the cookies were stale and some packages with only three cookies in the package. I was happyto see the thin version. Sometimes smaller is better. I thought you should know my findings. Thank you for your time.
Ms. Debee On Phone To Oreo Service
Peanut butter limited edition not much flavour could only taste the biscuit.
I was very disappointed, mad as a matter of fact. I was at my local Rayleys store in Santa Rosa Ca and the Oreo Chocolate sandwich cookies were on sale, the 14. three oz size. I bought a package because I was making a dessert with them for the following day. That night when I opened the package, to my shock 30 of the 36 cookies were broken. The recipe I was planning to make called for whole cookies. It was to late to go back to store. If cookies are on sale because they are broken, it should be stated on the sign. The package looked fine.
Peanut butter Oreo disappointing not flavour just biscuit taste.
Ms. kailash patel On Phone To Oreo Service
Distibuter inquiry i am interested for the distrubuter of oreo give me reply or contact me