Phone Number of
Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, is
+92216628373 .
Abbasi Shaheed
Hospital is the public hospital was constructed in the year of 1970. Abbasi Shaheed Hospital is one of the famous hospitals in Pakistan. Abbasi Shaheed hospital was constructed in the name of Major Ziauddin Abbasi.
the Hospital has specialist doctors,
Medical Officers. Abbasi Shaheed Hospital also provide training facility for the
New comers. Abbasi Shaheed Hospital has a strength of 850 beds and there are 18 operation theatres. Any kind of treatment available is available in this hospital. The
Address and contact number of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital is also used for Abbasi Shaheed Hospital contact number, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital doctors list, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital official website, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital jobs 2013, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital phone number, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital jobs 2012, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital
Google map and Abbasi Shaheed Hospital bus routes.
Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, Address
The address of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, is Near Ahbab Masjid, Karachi, Sind, Pakistan.
Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, Email Address
The email address of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, is
Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, Website
The Website of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, is
Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, Customer Support Service Phone Number
The customer support phone number of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, is
+92216628373 (Click phone number to call).
The postal and
official address, email address and
phone number (
helpline) of
Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, Service Center and
Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, customer phone number is given below. The
helpline of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, customer phone number may or may not be
toll free.
Click Here To View Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, Customer Service Phone Numbers