Acdelco Abu Dhabi Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Acdelco Abu Dhabi is +(971) 2 5554405 .
Acdelco Abu Dhabi Service Center is a UAE based services providing company which performs as business name of Tareef Trading Company. The Acdelco Abu Dhabi Service Center is engaged in providing maintenance and automobile repair services with customer satisfactions related to Acdelco equipments and others. Tareef Trading Company is completely owned and operated by the Bin Hamoodah. Acdelco Abu Dhabi Service Center's working timings are: Saturday to Thrusday: 8am - 5:30pm.

An American based manufacturing firm with the name of ACDelco is a leading company with the globally position in the key-markets of automotive parts. The ACDelco company has made its name in the production of world-class and fine quality products such as alternators and starters, filters, Lighting products, fuel pumps, window films and much more, and it sells and distributes all innovative automotive products under the name of Acdelco. The company makes approximately 100,000 component parts in more than 57 different categories. The company offers its all kind of automotive parts to various world's leading automotive brands which includes Audi, Hyundai, Honda, Mercedes-Benz, Mazda, Nissan, Volkswagen, Chevrolet and much more. The company has a strong network with the help of distributors and service centers across the world.

The ACDelco came into existence in the year 1916 as an automobile equipments and accessory holding company under the name of United Motors Corporation. The company was formed through the efforts of William C. Durant. The company works as one of the leading wholly owned companies of the world's largest automotive firm named with General Motors Limited. The company controls all kind of business operations from the headquarters that is situated in Grand Blanc, Michigan, United States.

Acdelco Abu Dhabi Address

The address of Acdelco Abu Dhabi is Mussafah, P.O.Box: 203, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Acdelco Abu Dhabi Email Address

The email address of Acdelco Abu Dhabi is

Acdelco Abu Dhabi Website

The Website of Acdelco Abu Dhabi is

Acdelco Abu Dhabi Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Acdelco Abu Dhabi is +(971) 2 5554405 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Acdelco Abu Dhabi Service Center and Acdelco Abu Dhabi customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Acdelco Abu Dhabi customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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