Acer Projectors Delhi Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Acer Projectors Delhi is +91-11-25335522, 25335533 .
Acer India Pvt Ltd is a hardware and electronics based multinational corporation. Acer is a leading manufacturers of Full HD projectors including produces home theater projectors, portable projectors, classroom projectors, and office projectors. The company produces home enjoyment DLP projectors that are 3D-ready, come with substitute lamps, pull-up projector screen, and roof mount. It is provides DLP home and business projectors in various models such as H5360, H6500, S5201M, K330, H9500BD, X1261P and PH530. The Acer portable models weigh is 2.6 lbs, with 2000 ANSI brightness, 2000:1 contrast ratio and HDMI connectivity. ACER business models include technologies suc as Best Shade Technological innovation and EcoProjection Technological innovation that cut stand-by power utilization by 50%. VCL Technocare Pvt Ltd is an Authorised service centers, which is located in Jaina Tower I, Janak Puri, West Delhi.

Acer Projectors Delhi Address

The address of Acer Projectors Delhi is 220, 2nd Floor, Jaina Tower I, Janak Puri, West Delhi, New Delhi, India.

Acer Projectors Delhi Website

The Website of Acer Projectors Delhi is

Acer Projectors Delhi Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Acer Projectors Delhi is +91-11-25335522, 25335533 (Click phone number to call).

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