Afghan Church Mumbai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Afghan Church Mumbai is +91022-22020420 .
The Church of St. John the Evangelist is an Anglican church located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It is also known as the Afghan Church built by the British. The Church was started as a small thatched chapel but was later developed into a new structure. The Afghan Church was designed by the Architect Henry Conebeare and the church is famous for the wide gothic arches and stained glass windows. The Church was built in honor of those people who got killed in the first Afghan war of the year 1838. The Afghan Church has been recognized as Grade I Heritage structure by the government. The Church holds few weekly masses and the best time to visit the Church is the Christmas festival. The Afghan Church remains open throughout the week from morning to evening.

Afghan Church Mumbai Address

The address of Afghan Church Mumbai is Nanabhai Moos Marg, Navy Nagar, Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400005, India.

Afghan Church Mumbai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Afghan Church Mumbai is +91022-22020420 (Click phone number to call).

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