Afriplex pty ltd Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Afriplex pty ltd is +27 21 8711877 .
Afriplex pty ltd is a private limited company. The company is located at 10 De Vreugde Crescent Dal Josofat Paarl 7646 PO Box 3186 Paarl, Western Cape 7620 South Africa. Afriplex pty ltd is located in south Africa and provides various types of products namely Drug Plants, Herbal Extracts, Medicinal Extracts, Medicinal Plants, Pharmaceutical products. Afriplex pty ltd harvested high quality of raw materials from approved, sustainable resources and then transform them into a range of innovative, client-specific products and services. Afriplex pty ltd offers various products and services to the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries across the world. The product named portfolia of the company consists of extracts, plant oils, herbal teas, tinctures, fruit bars and emulsions. The company has headquarters at Paarl, South Africa. The company can be contacted at this no: +27 21 8711877

Afriplex pty ltd Address

The address of Afriplex pty ltd is 10 De Vreugde Crescent Dal Josofat Paarl 7646 PO Box 3186 Paarl, Western Cape 7620 South Africa.

Afriplex pty ltd Website

The Website of Afriplex pty ltd is

Afriplex pty ltd Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Afriplex pty ltd is +27 21 8711877 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Afriplex pty ltd Service Center and Afriplex pty ltd customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Afriplex pty ltd customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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