Aloha Changi Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Aloha Changi is (65) 6545 2343, Fax No:(65) 6542 0528 .
Aloha Changi is a beautiful resort that has headquarter in Singapore. Aloha Changi is situated on the Bank of Changi beach and it includes 39 colonial bungalows and chalets. the resort has kept the tradition of the Country heritage which is the Main attraction. The resort has well made suites, bungalows, villas and many other attractive places. The resort is traditionally themed with the Local colors. The resort has all the Leisure facilities such as swimming pool, spa, jacuzzi and many more. The resort is well known for its dinning and food Courts among all the other resorts. The address and contact number of Aloha Changi is also used for Aloha Changi cottage, Aloha bungalow, Aloha chalet rates, How to get to Aloha loyang, Aloha bungalow chalet, Aloha Changi haunted, Aloha Changi yacht Club chalet and Aloha Changi chalet k.

Aloha Changi Address

The address of Aloha Changi is 30, Netheravon Road, Singapore.

Aloha Changi Website

The Website of Aloha Changi is

Aloha Changi Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Aloha Changi is (65) 6545 2343, Fax No:(65) 6542 0528 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Aloha Changi Service Center and Aloha Changi customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Aloha Changi customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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