B Makowsky Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of B Makowsky is 212.273.3765 .
B. Makowsky is a manufacturer industry of handbags based in United States Of America. The B.Makowsky bags was made in the year of 2006. The industry has achieved a higher reputation and a great success at global level.B. Makowsky was initiated by Bruce and Elizebith. The Handbag industry mainly focuses on the innovations of best products that brings a new atmosphere in today's fashion world. The bags was manufactured in such an order that are comfortable and attractable for every aged women of modern world. All the Handbags that are introduced by the industry are made of excellent and strong material that has a life long durability that is the reason of acceptance of such handbags.

Material And Brands of B.Makowsky

B.Makowsky produces a number of handbags with finest quality and value with new and modern designs that are mentioned as below:
  • All the handbags of B.Makowsky have strong material that are made of supple leathers, and timeless designs and much more.
  • The brands of B.Makowsky are offered in both the large ans small Size some of the examples are like Tessa Tote Bellini and Tessa Mini Tote Bellini, Tessa Tote Freezia and Tessa Mini Tote Freezia, Karlie Shoulder Bag Citron, Celena Tote True Navy, Waverly Cross body Black and Watermelon, etc.
  • Other brands of B.Makowsky are such as Karlie Hobo, Cambell Satchel, Arabella Shopper, Marina Satchel, Giamma Hobo and Satchel, Adele, Alissa, Epona, Alma Tote, Devon, Jynx, Lyala, Mara and much more.

Available Stores Of B.Makowsky

  • The handbags of B.Makowsky are available at stores such as Amazon, Zappos, eBags, QVC, etc.

Social Media Networking Links Of B. Makowsky

Instagram Link Of B. Makowsky Is

Pinterest Link Of B. Makowsky Is

B Makowsky Address

The address of B Makowsky is United States Of America..

B Makowsky Website

The Website of B Makowsky is www.bmakowsky.com.

B Makowsky Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of B Makowsky is 212.273.3765 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of B Makowsky Service Center and B Makowsky customer phone number is given below. The helpline of B Makowsky customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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