Boom Studios Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Boom Studios is (323) 677-5517 .
Founded by Ross Richie in 2005, Diamond Gem Award-winning "Best Publisher" BOOM! Studios ( generates a constellation of best-selling Eisner and Harvey Award-winning original and licensed comic books and graphic novels with the industry's top talent. BOOM! Studios is the home of Mike Carey's SUICIDE RISK, Clive Barker’s NEXT TESTAMENT and HELLRAISER, Paul Jenkins and Humberto Ramos' FAIRY QUEST, PLANET OF THE APES, Max Bemis' POLARITY and Mark Waid’s IRREDEEMABLE. Steven Grant's graphic novel 2 GUNS will be released as a feature film from Universal Pictures August 2nd, starring Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg. BOOM!'s all-ages imprint KaBOOM! publishes Charles Schulz' PEANUTS, Jim Davis’ GARFIELD, Cartoon Network's ADVENTURE TIME and REGULAR SHOW, Mike Kunkel's HEROBEAR AND THE KID and Roger Langridge’s Eisner Award-winning SNARKED. BOOM! Studios, BOOM comics, BOOM! Studios comics, Comic Books, Graphic Novels, Stan Lee, Stan Lee’s Soldier Zero, Stan Lee’s The Traveler, Stan Lee’s Starborn, Mark Waid, Irredeemable, Darkwing Duck, Disney, Chip ‘N Dale Rescue Rangers, Philp K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, 28 Days Later, Die Hard, Farscape, The Muppets, Uncle Scrooge, Walt Disney’s Comics And Stories, Harvey Award, Eisner Award, Cthulhu, Fall of Cthulhu, BOOM kids, Darkwing, Boom Studios, BOOM, Starborn, the Traveler, Soldier Zero, Amory Wars, Claudio Sanchez, Peanuts, Snarked

Boom Studios Address

The address of Boom Studios is Los Angeles, California.

Boom Studios Email Address

The email address of Boom Studios is

Boom Studios Website

The Website of Boom Studios is

Boom Studios Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Boom Studios is (323) 677-5517 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Boom Studios Service Center and Boom Studios customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Boom Studios customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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