Boone Hall Plantation Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Boone Hall Plantation is +1 843-884-4371 .
The Boone Hall Plantation and Gardens is the farm that dates back to 1850. It was added to National Register of Historic Places. The plantation houses a large Colonial Revival plantation House (1933–35) as a replacement of lost Original houses, slave houses, gardens, oaks planted in 1743. It is located 16 km from historic Downtown Charleston. The visitors are prohibited from any photography of the estate though the houses, grounds etc. has been featured in soap operas Days of our Lives, ABC's mini-series North and South and the movies Queen and The Notebook. It is open to public throughout the year. The address and contact number of Boone Hall Plantation is also used for Boone Hall Plantation movies, Boone Hall Plantation coupons, Boone Hall Plantation history, Boone Hall Plantation fright night and Boone Hall Plantation haunted house.

Boone Hall Plantation Address

The address of Boone Hall Plantation is 1235 Long Point Road, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, United States.

Boone Hall Plantation Email Address

The email address of Boone Hall Plantation is

Boone Hall Plantation Website

The Website of Boone Hall Plantation is

Boone Hall Plantation Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Boone Hall Plantation is +1 843-884-4371 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Boone Hall Plantation Service Center and Boone Hall Plantation customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Boone Hall Plantation customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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