Bpl Adyar Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Bpl Adyar is +91-9092840222, 9094736794 .
British Physical Laboratories Group is an Electronic goods manufacturing organization that makes various types of consumer electronic goods such as Televisions, Medical Equipments, Refrigerators, Music Systems, Microwave Ovens, Washing Machines and Audio Equipments. Originally, the company was started in 1963 and headquartered in Bangalore, India. TPG Nambiar is the founder and Group Chairman of Bpl Company. It is a leading electronics company that supplies its products all over in India. British Physical Laboratories Group is working with around 250 people. Moreover, the company also provides its many service centers and VRS Electronics is an electronic appliances repairing center that repairs all type of BPL Televisions. It is conveniently located in Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India and providing Tv accessories and TV Spare Parts.

Bpl Adyar Address

The address of Bpl Adyar is 84, LB Road, Adyar, Opposite Mercy Electronics, Chennai- 600020, Tamil Nadu, India.

Bpl Adyar Website

The Website of Bpl Adyar is www.bpl.in.

Bpl Adyar Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bpl Adyar is +91-9092840222, 9094736794 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bpl Adyar Service Center and Bpl Adyar customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Bpl Adyar customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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