Canon Yangon Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Canon Yangon is +95-(01)243036 .
Canon Inc is an electronics company, which was founded on August 10th, 1937 with the identification of Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory. The company was introduced by the joint efforts result of four people, who is known as Takeshi Mitarai, Saburo Uchida, Goro Yoshida and Takeo Maeda. Its business began from Tokyo, and now its business operates with more than 200 companies across the world. In this large network, approximately 160,000 people work in research and development (R&D), manufacturing and retailer activities. The Japan based company has created its name in the productions of imaging and optical products. Following are the products provided by Canon: digital cameras, photocopiers, Computer printers, scanners, camcorders, steppers, medical equipment, ophthalmic instruments, micro motors, camera lenses and such other components. Canon Inc is most popular for its economical camera products and unique technology. In Yangon, Canon's service center is located at Unit 7-8, Opposite to Railway Station. The Corresponding services of Canon Yangon service center are Canon Yangon customer care, Canon authorized service center and Canon Camera service center.

Canon Yangon Address

The address of Canon Yangon is Unit 7-8, Aung San Stadium, South Wing, Opposite to Railway Station & Yoma Bank, Mingalar Taung Nyunt, Yangon, Burma, Myanmar.

Canon Yangon Website

The Website of Canon Yangon is

Canon Yangon Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Canon Yangon is +95-(01)243036 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Canon Yangon Service Center and Canon Yangon customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Canon Yangon customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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