Cbi Kolkata Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Cbi Kolkata is 01124360422 .
CBI Kolkata is one of the branch offices of The Central Bureau of Investigation in India. The Cbi is the government investigating police Department of India that was established in 1941 as the Special Police Establishment. The Head Office of the CBI is situated in New Delhi, India. The department is headed by a director. The Central Bureau of Investigation has 52 branches located in major cities throughout the India and is governed by Department of Personnel and Training. CBI solves the all cases related to crime, National security etc. The address and contact number of Cbi Kolkata is also used for Cbi Kolkata recruitment, Cbi news, Cbi Kolkata news and Cbi Kolkata office.

Cbi Kolkata Address

The address of Cbi Kolkata is No 234/4, Near AJC Bose Road, 15th Floor, Nizam Palace, 2nd MSO Building, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Cbi Kolkata Email Address

The email address of Cbi Kolkata is hozkol@cbi.gov.in.

Cbi Kolkata Website

The Website of Cbi Kolkata is www.cbi.nic.in.

Cbi Kolkata Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Cbi Kolkata is 01124360422 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Cbi Kolkata Service Center and Cbi Kolkata customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Cbi Kolkata customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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