Dvla Sheffield Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Dvla Sheffield is +44 0300 790 6802, 0300 790 6801 .
DVLA is originally known as Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority which means it is a driving licensing authority in the United Kingdom and have several locations in the country and one of them is in Sheffield. The agency's role is to maintain a database of drivers and a database of vehicles in Great Britain. Its other duties are issuing new driving licences, renew old ones, collection of vehicle excise duty which is called road tax and sells private number plates. People can pay their road tax online just by filling in the credentials and submit money through their credit and debit cards.

Dvla Sheffield Address

The address of Dvla Sheffield is Cedar House, Hallamshire Court 63 Napier Street, Sheffield S11 8HA, United Kingdom.

Dvla Sheffield Website

The Website of Dvla Sheffield is www.dvla.gov.uk.

Dvla Sheffield Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Dvla Sheffield is +44 0300 790 6802, 0300 790 6801 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Dvla Sheffield Service Center and Dvla Sheffield customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Dvla Sheffield customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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