Electrolux Vizag Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Electrolux Vizag is 9246673469 .
Basically, Electrolux was founded as Lux AB in 1901 by Sven Carlson to the manufacturing of large kerosene lamps for railway stations. In 1912, Lux AB decided to make electric vacuum cleaners, and then, in 1918, the company name had been changed into Elektrolux, and also merged with Svenska Elektron AB. Elektromekaniska AB, a flagship company of Svenska Elektron AB was became as Elektrolux in 1919, and Elektrolux spelling was changed into Electrolux in the year 1957. It is a global manufacturing company of home appliances located with main office in Stockholm, Sweden. During the year 1925, the company had started the production of refrigerator. After that, it has introduced many other home used products including washing machine, dishwashers, food equipment in market. The company is working in more than 150 countries, and the company sells approximately 40 million products each years. Ashok Refg and AC works is one of the leading service centers of Electrolux located in Vizag, Andhra Pradesh, India that is specialized in the repairing of Electrolux household products.

Electrolux Vizag Address

The address of Electrolux Vizag is 49-19-3/3, Near Lalitha Temple, Lalitha Nagar, Vizag, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Electrolux Vizag Email Address

The email address of Electrolux Vizag is dvrao_doddipinni@yahoo.co.in.

Electrolux Vizag Website

The Website of Electrolux Vizag is ww.electrolux.in.

Electrolux Vizag Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Electrolux Vizag is 9246673469 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Electrolux Vizag Service Center and Electrolux Vizag customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Electrolux Vizag customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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