FTB CA GOV Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of FTB CA GOV is +1-800-338-0505 /+1-800-852-5711/ +1-916-845-6500 .
Franchiser Tax Board is a state-owned as well as state-ruled state personal income tax and corporate income tax collection system based in San Diego, California. This is a State authority which occupied the customs of the California State and Consumer Services Agency. It is a not-for-profit company which is composed of a combination of California State Controller and the California Board of Equalization. In addition, chief mentor cum senior admin authority is all-time called as pioneer executive officer. The company was established in 1879 and adopted state constitution. It runs two categories of tax programs, the first one is Personal income tax, in which, the company collects income tax from the residents of California. Furthermore, the second one is the Corporate income tax, in which, the Franchise Tax Board collects realization amount on corporate firms for doing business in California, United States of America. More on, the name of the company reflects the fact that it was originally created to collect this tax. The Franchiser Tax Board also runs vehicle registration programs and supports Department Of Motor Vehicles of the US Government as well.

Key Contact Numbers Of FTB.CA.GOV

Customers in order to get knowledge about the products and services of FTB.Ca.Gov, there is one safe and secure way to get connected with the officials just by dialing the key contact numbers:
TopicContact Numbers
24/7 Automated Support800.338.0505
Corporations outside the U.S.916.845.7033
Court-ordered debt (COD)916.845.4064
Vehicle registration debt888.355.6872
Limited liability companies outside the U.S.916.845.7166

FTB CA GOV Address

The address of FTB CA GOV is 7575, Metropolitan Drive, Suite- 201, San Diego, CA-92108, California, United States of America.

FTB CA GOV Website

The Website of FTB CA GOV is www.ftb.ca.gov.

FTB CA GOV Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of FTB CA GOV is +1-800-338-0505 /+1-800-852-5711/ +1-916-845-6500 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of FTB CA GOV Service Center and FTB CA GOV customer phone number is given below. The helpline of FTB CA GOV customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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