Unisa Florida Campus Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Unisa Florida Campus is 011 471 2093, +27 11 471-3795 .
Unisa Florida Campus is one of the three campuses of The University of South Africa. Unisa Florida Campus offers courses in Agriculture & Environmental Sciences, Engineering and Technology. The University has three campuses like Muckleneuk Campus, Florida Campus and Sunnyside Campus. The University of South Africa is a public institution of distance learning that was established on 26 June 1873. The university operates 7 regional centers and colleges namely- College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, College of Education, College of Economic and Management Sciences, College of Graduate Studies, College of Human Sciences, College of Law, College of Science, Engineering and Technology and Graduate School of Business Leadership. Bernard Ngoepe is the chancellor of the university. It has more than 328,179 students and 5,575 Administration staff. The address and contact number of Unisa Florida Campus is also used for Unisa Florida Campus directions, Unisa Florida Campus trading hours, Unisa Florida Campus roodepoort, Unisa Florida Campus vacancies, Unisa Florida Campus library and accommodation near Unisa Florida Campus.

Unisa Florida Campus Address

The address of Unisa Florida Campus is Corner of Christiaan de Wet Road & Pioneer Avenue, Florida, 1709, South Africa.

Unisa Florida Campus Email Address

The email address of Unisa Florida Campus is esmith@unisa.ac.za.

Unisa Florida Campus Website

The Website of Unisa Florida Campus is www.unisa.ac.za.

Unisa Florida Campus Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Unisa Florida Campus is 011 471 2093, +27 11 471-3795 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Unisa Florida Campus Service Center and Unisa Florida Campus customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Unisa Florida Campus customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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