Festival Mall Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Festival Mall is 011 394 7549 .
Festival Mall is the biggest mall in South Africa. The Mall provides suitable shopping and other facilities. The Mall has more than 150 shopping stores and biggest Anchor Stores including Checkers Hyper, Pick and pay, Game, Woolworths and Edgars. Festival Mall located in OR Tambo Airport Road, Kempton Park, South Africa. It provides very good security services. The security system is also very strict in festival mall with guard deployed for 24 hour. Festival mall features a full activities work schedule and loaded with exciting activity and promotions. They always provide entertainment and promotions services for both young and old alike. The address and contact number of Festival Mall is also used for Festival Mall cinema, Festival Mall movies, Festival Mall stores, Festival Mall restaurants, Festival Mall ice rink, Festival Mall sale, Festival city Mall and Festival Mall river park.

Festival Mall Address

The address of Festival Mall is Corner CR Swart Drive and Kelvin Street, Kempton Park, South Africa.

Festival Mall Website

The Website of Festival Mall is www.festivalmall.co.za.

Festival Mall Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Festival Mall is 011 394 7549 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Festival Mall Service Center and Festival Mall customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Festival Mall customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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