Florida Gateway College Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Florida Gateway College is +1 386-752-1822 .
Florida Gateway College (EGC) is a public community college situated in Lake City, Florida, United States. The College was initiated in the year 1947. Florida Gateway College is also known as Lake City Community College. The College has offered various programs such as liberal arts and sciences, occupational training and personal enrichment. Charles W. Hall is the president of the Florida Gateway College. It serves various countries like Baker, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist and Union Counties. The college has the strength of 2,736 students and 212 admin staff. Its campus area is spread in an area of about 132 acres. The college is famously known by the nickname Timberwolves. It provides various sports activities such as Basketball, Flag Football, Ping Pong, Spades Tournament, Soccer and Dodgeball etc. The address and contact number of Florida Gateway College is also used for Florida Gateway College cosmetology, Florida Gateway College library, Florida Gateway College transcript request, Florida Gateway College law enforcement, Florida Gateway College financial aid office, Florida Gateway College tuition, Florida Gateway College jobs and Florida Gateway College olustee campus.

Florida Gateway College Address

The address of Florida Gateway College is 149 SE College Pl, Lake City, Florida 32025, United States.

Florida Gateway College Website

The Website of Florida Gateway College is www.fgc.edu.

Florida Gateway College Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Florida Gateway College is +1 386-752-1822 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Florida Gateway College Service Center and Florida Gateway College customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Florida Gateway College customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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