Flushing Mall Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Flushing Mall is (718) 886-5814, (718) 888-0600 .
The fully furnished with modern architectural fixtures and latest trends and its multicolored theme attracts the consideration of the shoppers and buyers of the New York. It is a downtime shopping Mall provides vibrant playful atmosphere and entertainment zones aiming to fetching the consideration of youngsters. The Interior of the building is very good and it is also identify for its prompt customer services. This is a very BIG building full of glasses and latest amenities. The building covers total area of 150000 square feet area with safe parking, food courts, Bar and multiplex.The address and contact number of Flushing Mall is also used for Flushing Mall target, Flushing Mall dim sum, Flushing Mall directory, Flushing Mall open hours, Flushing Mall dumplings, Flushing Mall steak, Flushing Mall food and Flushing Mall location.

The Fax number is 718-888-7752.

Flushing Mall Address

The address of Flushing Mall is Queens Crossing 136-20 38th Avenue, 12th Floor Flushing, New York 11354, USA.

Flushing Mall Website

The Website of Flushing Mall is www.fandtgroup.com.

Flushing Mall Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Flushing Mall is (718) 886-5814, (718) 888-0600 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Flushing Mall Service Center and Flushing Mall customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Flushing Mall customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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