Al Yousuf Electronics Abu Dhabi Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Al Yousuf Electronics Abu Dhabi is +971-2-6344553, Fax No. +971-2-6312347 .
Al Yousuf Electronics Abu Dhabi service center is best known for its repair services in electronics products. Al Yousuf Electronics is a principal part of Al Yousuf LLC. The Al Yousuf LLC was officially introduced in 1952, and it commenced its operations in electronics sector as Al Yousuf Electronics in 1965. The Al Yousuf LLC in addition to electronics sector also operates in automotive, computers, Building construction and real estates sectors. Al Yousuf Electronics became a well reputed company across Middle East in 1977, when it started business with Gold Star, now known as Lg home appliances like refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioners. At present, Al Yousuf Electronics deals in LG flat screen TVs, LG audio and video systems, LG vacuum cleaners and LG microwave ovens along with its principal range of cooling and heating products and laundry products. The marketing slogan of Al Yousuf Electronics is “HEALTHY & HAPPY HOMES”. Al Yousuf Electronics Company has got many awards including the Best Service Practices Award, Best Service Manager Award, Best Marketing Practices Award, Sales Record Breaking Award and TDR Excellence Award. Al Yousuf Electronics has established 7 showrooms and care centers across UAE.

Al Yousuf Electronics Abu Dhabi Address

The address of Al Yousuf Electronics Abu Dhabi is Al Yousuf Electronics LLC, LG Showroom, Electra Road, PO Box 2846, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Al Yousuf Electronics Abu Dhabi Email Address

The email address of Al Yousuf Electronics Abu Dhabi is

Al Yousuf Electronics Abu Dhabi Website

The Website of Al Yousuf Electronics Abu Dhabi is

Al Yousuf Electronics Abu Dhabi Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Al Yousuf Electronics Abu Dhabi is +971-2-6344553, Fax No. +971-2-6312347 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Al Yousuf Electronics Abu Dhabi Service Center and Al Yousuf Electronics Abu Dhabi customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Al Yousuf Electronics Abu Dhabi customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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