Ford Amritsar Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ford Amritsar is 0183-3075555 .
Ford Motor Company is mainly known as Ford, the company was established by Henry Ford in the mid of 1903, and it was re-incorporated with Henry Ford, his wife Clara, and his son Edsel in 1919. In 1964, Ford introduced the Ford Mustang and after one year, the seat belt reminder light was introduced by Ford. The company mainly does Business in luxury cars, trucks, vans, tractors, buses as well as Automotive components and accessories. Apart from this, the company also provides automotive finance, vehicle leasing, vehicle service. In 2010, Ford was the fifth biggest automobile manufacturer in Europe, and In the Fortune 500 list of 2010, Ford was the eighth-ranked overall America based company. Ford has one of its service center located in Amritsar, Punjab, India that provides excellent repair and services for Ford vehicles. The service centers also provides Fax No: 0183-3075555.

Ford Amritsar Address

The address of Ford Amritsar is Mohan Vihar, Near New Amritsar Gate, G T Road, Amritsar, Punjab, India.

Ford Amritsar Website

The Website of Ford Amritsar is

Ford Amritsar Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ford Amritsar is 0183-3075555 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ford Amritsar Service Center and Ford Amritsar customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ford Amritsar customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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