Fort Wayne Zoo Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Fort Wayne Zoo is +1 260-427-6810 .
The Fort Wayne Children's Zoo is situated in Indiana State of America. The Zoo was established by Earl B Wells. Since starting in 1965, the 1,500 animal zoo has been situated in the area of 38 acres in Franke Park. The zoo consistently rates one of the top zoos in the country, lately rated as the 9th best zoo in United States by Child magazine in 2004 and 5th most effective Zoo in the country by Parents magazine in 2009. The Zoo can track its beginning in 1952 when 54 acres area was included to Franke Park to set up a nature protect. Regional reputation of the preserve directed to Fort Wayne authorities determining to develop a full-fledged zoo by 1962. The Zoo was built with focus of educating kids about animals. The address and contact number of Fort Wayne Zoo is also used for Fort Wayne Zoo coupons, Fort Wayne Zoo Baby red panda, Fort Wayne Zoo Red panda, Fort Wayne Zoo brew, Fort Wayne Zoo map, Fort Wayne Zoo membership, Fort Wayne Zoo Halloween and Fort Wayne Zoo jobs.
other Contact Numbers : 260-427-6800.

Fort Wayne Zoo Address

The address of Fort Wayne Zoo is 3411 Sherman Boulevard, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46808, United States.

Fort Wayne Zoo Email Address

The email address of Fort Wayne Zoo is

Fort Wayne Zoo Website

The Website of Fort Wayne Zoo is

Fort Wayne Zoo Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Fort Wayne Zoo is +1 260-427-6810 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Fort Wayne Zoo Service Center and Fort Wayne Zoo customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Fort Wayne Zoo customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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