Ft Mcpherson Ga Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ft Mcpherson Ga is +1 404-464-2773, +1 404-464-2979 .
Ft Mcpherson Ga originally known as Fort Mcpherson Georgia is an army base of the United States Army located in Atlanta, Georgia. It was built back in the year 1885. It was named after Major General James Birdseye McPherson. It was closed Down on September 15, 2011 and replaced by Fort Gillem which is made to a military enclave. It served as a training venue for the new joined people in the United States Army. It houses many types of US Armed Forces namely U.S. Army Forces Command, U.S. Army Reserve Command, U.S. Army Central, Army Ground Forces Band and 52nd Explosives Ordnance Group etc. The address and contact number of Ft Mcpherson Ga is also used for Ft Mcpherson Ga zip code, is fort Mcpherson closed, fort Mcpherson military base, Mcpherson barracks, fort Mcpherson Ga directory and Ft Mcpherson mwr.

Ft Mcpherson Ga Address

The address of Ft Mcpherson Ga is 1350 Troop Row, SW, Army Community Service, Fort McPherson, Georgia 30330, United States.

Ft Mcpherson Ga Website

The Website of Ft Mcpherson Ga is www.fortmcpherson.net.

Ft Mcpherson Ga Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ft Mcpherson Ga is +1 404-464-2773, +1 404-464-2979 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ft Mcpherson Ga Service Center and Ft Mcpherson Ga customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ft Mcpherson Ga customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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