Fujifilm Thailand Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Fujifilm Thailand is +66-2-2706000, Ext No- 752/725 .
FUJIFILM is a remarkable brand name in the imaging and photographic industries. It is a multinational consumer electronics company which offers a broad range of photographic products, systems and equipments including Photofinishing Products, Graphic Systems, Recording Media Products, Films & Cameras, Binoculars, Optical Devices, Digital Cameras, Semiconductor Materials, Medical Systems, Industrial Products, 3D Image Products and Motion Picture Products products etc. Fujifilm was embarked on January 20, 1934. The company operates from its corporate office located in Midtown West, Minato, Tokyo, Japan. The company is mainly known for healthcare, optical devices, highly functional materials, graphic arts and other technical areas. FUJIFILM one of the authorised service centers is located in S P Building, Phaholyothin Road, Bangkok 10400, Thailand. The service center provides many FUJIFILM's products services like Recording Media, Film Cameras, Minilab Systems, Motion Picture Films, Digital Cameras, Medical Systems, Graphic Systems, Photographic Film and Paper etc.

Fujifilm Thailand Address

The address of Fujifilm Thailand is S P Building, 8th Floor, 388 Phaholyothin Road, Bangkok 10400, Thailand.

Fujifilm Thailand Email Address

The email address of Fujifilm Thailand is preecha@fujifilm.co.th or.

Fujifilm Thailand Website

The Website of Fujifilm Thailand is www.fujifilm.com.

Fujifilm Thailand Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Fujifilm Thailand is +66-2-2706000, Ext No- 752/725 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Fujifilm Thailand Service Center and Fujifilm Thailand customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Fujifilm Thailand customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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