Hawassa University Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Hawassa University is +251462205282, Fax : +251 462 205 421 .
Hawassa University is a public university based in Hawassa, Ethiopia. Many colleges which are now affiliated to this university are running without any university affiliation so there is an urgent need of a university to provide them affiliation and as a result of this Hawassa University was formed in the year 1999. It was previously part of Debub University but after the separation of Dilla College of Teachers Education and Health from Hawassa it no more become the part of it and they Form their own university which is known as Debub University. Hawassa University provides education in 64 first degree programs, 43 second degree programs, and 4 PhD programs. Dr. Yosef Mamo is the President of the university. The address and contact number of Hawassa University is also used for Hawassa University vacancy, Hawassa University registrar office, Hawassa University postgraduate studies, Hawassa University summer program and Hawassa University medical faculty.

Hawassa University Address

The address of Hawassa University is Hawassa University, Hawassa SNNPR 05, Ethiopia.

Hawassa University Email Address

The email address of Hawassa University is ccm@hu.edu.et.

Hawassa University Website

The Website of Hawassa University is www.hu.edu.et.

Hawassa University Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Hawassa University is +251462205282, Fax : +251 462 205 421 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Hawassa University Service Center and Hawassa University customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Hawassa University customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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