Hither Green Crematorium Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Hither Green Crematorium is +44 020 8314 9635, Fax: 020 8697 3260 .
Hither Green Crematorium is a one of the famous graveyard in Verdant Lane, London. It is originally known as 'Hither Green Cemetery'. It houses graves of militants who died during the World War II and a memorial to give tribute to all those people who died during that war. The Cemetery includes graves of 39 Commonwealth service personnel of World War I and 198 personnel from World War II. To reach the crematorium one can take train from Hither Green station and Grove Park station or can go there by bus. The address and contact number of Hither Green Crematorium is also used for Hither Green Crematorium Fees, Hither Green Crematorium Records, Hither Green Crematorium Capacity, Hither Green Crematorium Postcode and Hither Green Cemetery Opening Hours.

Hither Green Crematorium Address

The address of Hither Green Crematorium is Hither Green Cemetery Chapel Verdant Lane, London SE6 1JX, United Kingdom.

Hither Green Crematorium Website

The Website of Hither Green Crematorium is www.lewisham.gov.uk.

Hither Green Crematorium Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Hither Green Crematorium is +44 020 8314 9635, Fax: 020 8697 3260 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Hither Green Crematorium Service Center and Hither Green Crematorium customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Hither Green Crematorium customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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